My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Is it really Christians who are under attack? The story of a prolonged aggression.

In 2005 the SPLC published a timeline of the history of the anti-gay movement in America. Using that as a basis I’ve created an alternate, more detailed, international and up to date version spanning from 1977 to 2016. As I was born in 1978 it more or less covers my life. I’ve done this to try to give people who aren’t LGBT an idea of what we’re confronted with in life; that’s why I’ve also listed some cases of anti-gay violence. Just scroll, browse through it, see if anything catches your eye. Maybe go to a year that was important to you for one reason or another. By the time you get to the bottom ask yourself who’s really the aggressor in this “culture war” and who fabricated it?

See original image

Bryant posing in front of posters that say Save our Children from the Homo Sexuals

The movement kicked off in 1977, the year before I was born, when Anita Bryant saw the opportunity to revive her career by opposing anti-discrimination legislation in Dade County.

1978: I’m born on March 23rd. Wichita (Kansas), Eugene (Oregon) and St. Paul (Minnesota) all repeal ordinances that protect gays from discrimination. That same year a ballot is floated in California to ban gay teachers. Tim LaHaye, an Evangelical minister, publishes a book called The Unhappy Gays. In it he claims gays share 16 pernicious traits, including “incredible promiscuity,” “deceit,” “selfishness,” “vulnerability to sadism-masochism” and “poor health and an early death.”

See original image

1979: Evangelical minister Jerry Falwell founds a group called The Moral Majority. His first fundraising ploy for the group is titled “A Declaration of War on Homosexuality.” Masters & Johnson claim they can convert gays to heterosexuality in a book called Homosexuality in Perspective. Tennessee Williams is beaten by five teenage boys in Key West.

1980: Paul Cameron (who will later be expelled from the American Psychological Association for ethics violations regarding his “gay research”) publishes a number of pseudo-scientific studies which claim gay men are considerably more likely to be murderers, abuse children and intentionally spread diseases.

1981: Falwell’s Moral Majority allies in congress try to pass a bill removing federal funding from any group that suggests homosexuality is acceptable. The Council for National Policy is founded. Members include R.J Rushdoony (who proposes the death penalty for gays), Falwell, LaHaye, James Dobson, Tony Perkins and Phyllis Schlafly. Toronto police raid city bathhouses, arresting 286 people; it’s called Operation Soap.

1982: After considerable lobbying, The U.S. Department of Defense issues a policy stating that homosexuality is “incompatible” with military service. Around 17,000 gay soldiers are discharged over the coming years. A series of homophobic beatings take place in Ireland; Declan Flynn is beaten to death. Rick Hunter and John Hanson are beaten by Minneapolis police outside a gay bar while being called queers.

1983: Pat Buchanan, communications director for Reagan calls Aids “nature’s revenge on gay men”. Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority sent out at least three mailings that highlighted the threats of homosexuality and AIDS. In a similar vein, Robert G. Grant’s organization, Christian Voice, used the threat of homosexuality as a major theme in a fundraising letter that began, “I am rushing you this urgent letter because the children in your neighborhood are in danger.”

1984: The Coalition on Revival is founded to promote “Christian government”, which includes anti-gay policies. Board members include Tim LaHaye and Christian Supremacist James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries. The Orthodox Church puts out a statement that says: “homosexuality should be treated by society as an immoral and dangerous perversion and by religion as a sinful failure. In both cases, correction is called for. Homosexuals should be accorded the confidential medical and psychiatric facilities by which they can be helped to restore themselves to a self-respecting sexual identity…” Charlie Howard is drowned in Bangor, Maine for being “flamboyantly gay”

1985: Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Paul Cameron (in reference to the AIDS crisis) suggests that “the extermination of homosexuals” may be necessary. Evangelical cleric John Robert Walmsley Stott publishes Homosexual Partnerships? Why Same-Sex Relationships Are Not a Christian Option. Kenneth Zeller is beaten to death in Canada.

1986: Dick Hafer publishes a comic called Homosexuality, Legitimate, Alternate Deathstyle. This is the cover:


1987: Mrs. Thatcher makes a speech in which she says people who are being told they have a “right” to be gay are being cheated. Here it is:

1988: I turn 10 years old, having spent my childhood being directly and indirectly exposed to  these messages. The Oregon Citizen’s Alliance campaign is successful and the previous ban on discriminating gay people in employment is overturned. The Thatcher government passes Section 28.

1989: Dannemeyer publishes Shadow in the Land: Homosexuality in America. Lesbians and gay men are labeled “the ultimate enemy,” In Sydney Christians protest the the LGBT Mardi Gras event.

1990: Football coach Bill McCartney founds Promise Keepers. They hold stadium revivals that promote “traditional masculinity”. He calls gays “a group of people who don’t reproduce, yet want to be compared with people who do.”

1991:  Pat Robertson founds the American Center for Law and Justice to stand up against gays who want rights. He says homosexuality is a “cancerous perversion” that “directly attacks the family.” The Boy Scouts write a memorandum which says “We believe that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the requirements in the Scout Oath that a Scout be morally straight and in the Scout Law that a Scout be clean in word and deed…”

1992: Ty and Jeannette Beeson of Antelope Valley Springs of Life church cut/paste together a video of raunchy scenes from gay pride events. Pat Robertson plays it on his 700 club. At the Republican Convention Pat Buchanan anoints the term culture war: “There is a culture war going on in our country for the soul of America.” One hundred gays are sentenced to death in Iran after a raid on a private party.

1993: Clinton proposes to lift the ban on gays in the military. Coral Ridge Ministries issues a fundraising letter saying, “would you want your son, daughter, or grandchild sharing a shower, foxhole, or blood with a homosexual?” In Georgia Gordon Wysong declares, “We should blame them  (gays) for every social problem in America.” Nicolosi publishes Healing Homosexuality: Case Stories of Reparative Therapy.

1994: “More than 40 fundamentalist groups, led by Focus on the Family, hold a summit in Colorado to coordinate a “special rights” argument to oppose gay rights. This strategy is also promoted by the Traditional Values Coalition’s “Gay Rights, Special Rights,” a 40-minute video claiming gay rights will erode the civil rights of African Americans.” SPLC

1995: The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams is published. He says gays weren’t victims of the Nazi’s but were actually behind the holocaust. Many anti-gay groups promote the book.

1996: The Supreme court puts an end to initiatives proposing stripping anti discrimination protections in Romer vs. Evans. The bill’s aim was to ensure that no protection whatsoever could be enacted by the state to defend any rights whatsoever of gay citizens: “Neither the State of Colorado, through any of its branches or departments, nor any of its agencies, political subdivisions, municipalities or school districts, shall enact, adopt or enforce any statute, regulation, ordinance or policy whereby homosexual, lesbian or bisexual orientation, conduct, practices or relationships shall constitute or otherwise be the basis of or entitle any person or class of persons to have or claim any minority status, quota preferences, protected status or claim of discrimination.”

1997: Jehovah’s Witness magazine Awake 1997 Dec 8 pp.14-15 prints an article called Should Christians Hate Homosexuals?
“The Bible admonishes: O you lovers of Jehovah, hate what is bad. (Psalm 97:10) Hence, Christians are expected to hate every practice that violates Jehovah’s laws. Some people may even react with stronger feelings of aversion or disgust toward homosexuality than toward other types of immorality, viewing homosexuality as an unnatural sexual perversion. …
Those who practice what is bad, including homosexuals, can make radical changes in their pattern of thinking and behavior, and many have indeed been successful in making this transformation. Jesus himself preached to such ones; and on showing repentance, they became acceptable to him. Matthew 21:31, 32.

1998: I am now 20 years old. A coalition of Evangelical groups decides to promote gay conversion therapy despite there being no scientific evidence to support it. Senator Lott states that being gay is tantamount to being a kleptomaniac or an alcoholic. John Lawrence and Tyrone Garner are fined US$125 each after being arrested for having consensual sex in their own home. Matthew Shepard and Rita Hester are murdered.

1999: ABC aired an episode of “thirtysomething” which contained a scene in which two gay men were in bed (just) talking. The network lost over $1 million in advertising revenue. The Christian Institute (UK) publishes a paper called Bankrolling Gay Proselytism, The case for extending Section 28. Gary Bauer says gay civil unions in Vermont are worse than terrorism. A gay bar in South Africa is bombed.

2000: NARTH prints a pseudo-scientific essay in its bulletin called “The Origins and Therapy of Same-Sex Attraction Disorder”. California passes proposition 22. Robert Knight of the Family Research Council revives anti-gay “child molester” propaganda. Benny Hinn cures homosexuality live on stage at his church.

2001: Immediately after 9/11, Falwell and Pat Robertson blame the terrorist attack on the gays. “Football hooligans, clerics, ultranationalist youth and far right skinheads storm the first Pride march in Belgrade  attacking and seriously injuring several participants and stopping the event from taking place.” Namibia’s President threatens homosexuals with elimination.

2002: I am now living at Villa l’Africaine in Spain. Rev. Michael Bray praises Saudi Arabia for beheading three gay men on New Year’s Day.  Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says “Homosexuality is an evil, abhorrent and destructive ‘criminal lifestyle’. Nicolosi publishes A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality.

2003: Alan Sears, head of the Alliance Defense Fund, co-authors The Homosexual Agenda, it asserts gay activists’ ultimate goal is “silencing” Christians.

2004: Ohio passes the Defence of Marriage act. It denies any recognition whatsoever of gay domestic partnerships, civil unions or marriage. The Wisconsin senate votes to ban gay civil-unions and marriages.

2005: Kansas votes to ban gay civil unions and marriages. “Expert” Aquilino Polaino is taken by the PP to speak to the Spanish parliament about homosexuality. He says homosexuality is caused by being the child of a distant, violent or alcoholic father. Also, that gays are incapable of playing sports or physically defending ourselves. We’re also allegedly unstable and incapable of long term relationships. Cameron (self) publishes a “report” titled Homosexual sex as harmful as drug abuse, prostitution, or smoking

2006: Kentucky rescinds its ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. President Bush renews his call for a constitutional amendment to ban gay unions.  Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin all vote to ban gay unions.

2007: The Family Research Council publishes “Homosexuality Is Not a Civil Right”. It promotes pseudo scientific gay conversion therapy. It also equates homosexuality to pedophilia. The Mormon church publishes a paper that suggests gay people should marry heterosexually. NOM is founded to fight gay rights in California. In Australia Craig Gee is attacked by four men whilst holding his boyfriend’s hand and walking down the street. Part of his skull was reduced to powder and his leg was broken during the attack.

2008: After a vicious anti-gay campaign, proposition 8 passes in California. Paul Cameron travels to Russia to promote homophobia, setting the stage for things to come. Duanna Johnson is beaten by a police officer in Memphis, TN. The police were reportedly calling Duanna (a transgendered woman) “faggot” and “he-she.”

2009: A bill to criminalise homosexuality is presented in Burundi. The Kill the Gays bill is introduced in Uganda after American Evangelicals participate in an anti-gay conference there. The Family Research Institute publishes yet another pseudo scientific paper titled Child Molestation and Homosexuality which says gays are responsible for up to 1/3 of all child abuse.

2010: Kenyan Prime Minister Odinga says the behaviour of gay couples is “unnatural” and that, “If found the homosexuals should be arrested and taken to relevant authorities.” The FRC publishes The Top 10 Myths About Homosexuality. It defends gay conversion therapy and says homosexuality “causes harm to the body.”

2011: The Wyoming House of Representatives passes a bill to bar the state from recognising legal same-sex marriages performed in other legal jurisdictions. Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin bans a gay pride march. The Tennessee Senate passes Senate Bill 49, colloquially known as the “Don’t Say Gay bill”; the state also revokes its anti-discrimination protections. An LGBT (or perceived as LGBT) teen suicide epidemic occurs in Michele Bachmann’s district.

2012: North Carolina votes to ban same-sex marriage and any domestic legal union. A Christian group puts advertisements on London buses saying homosexuality can be “cured”. North Carolina Pastor Charles Worley says “Lock them into a pen with an electrified fence, drop food down to them, and because they can’t reproduce, they will die out.” The Saint Petersburg Legislative Assembly in Russia passes anti-LGBT rights bill with punishments of fines up to US$17,000. Anti-gay propaganda rages in France led by a group called Manif pour Tous. And Kirk Cameron says homosexuality is unnatural:

2013: The Nigerian parliament passes a law banning same-sex marriage. In Russia, President Vladimir Putin signs into law a bill banning “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations to minors” after it was unanimously passed by the State Duma.  The Supreme Court of India overrules the Delhi Court in re-establishing section 377 of the Indian penal code that makes homosexual activity illegal. French MP Philippe Cochet says passing a gay marriage law is “assassinating children.” A gay association is vandalized and anti-gay campaigners proudly post the video online. A gay man is attacked in Paris, here’s a before and after of his face:

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2014: Nigeria illegalizes public displays of same-sex relationships and belonging to homosexual groups. Additionally, “those who register, operate or participate in gay clubs, societies and organizations or who directly or indirectly makes public display of affection as part of a same-sex relationship would be punished with up to 10 years in prison.” The president of Uganda signs the anti-gay bill. 25 religious groups form an alliance in Jamaica to fight the Homosexual Agenda. Homophobia is rampant in their media.

2015: Russia wants to expand anti-gay legislation. Presidential candidate Ben Carson says “being gay is a choice, just look at prison inmates.” Scott Lively says homosexuality is worse than genocide.

2016: Homophobia is still alive and well- and homosexuality continues to be used as rallying cry by Christian extremists to increase their profits. The tired anti-gay propaganda long since debunked is still  being used. I am now 38.


54 comments on “Is it really Christians who are under attack? The story of a prolonged aggression.

  1. foolsmusings
    June 10, 2016

    I used to think that religion was fine as long as they left the rest of us alone. Now I say fuck them, they are never going to stop attacking us. It’s time the world moved beyond this ridiculous notion of deity that scolds people for jerking off. They need to grow up.

    Liked by 2 people

    • While it makes them money, they won’t let go. I did the timeline to show people just how good they are at manipulation. Remember just a little while back they were saying their problem was with the *word* marriage…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. inspiredbythedivine1
    June 10, 2016

    Another superb post. Truly eye-opening and damning of christian nonsense regarding gays. Kirk Cameron, BTW, is an unnatural human being, if he even is one. I swear, that dude a CGI character created by Christian Evangelicals to be their mouth piece.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I thought it might be a good way to unequivocally debunk the fantasy that they’re the ones being attacked. Keep in mind someone doesn’t say Merry Christmas and they announce a War on Christmas. How does that compare to this?

      Liked by 3 people

      • inspiredbythedivine1
        June 10, 2016

        It most certainly debunks that fantasy. Not that all who consider themselves christians are ass-hats, but the biggest, bigoted ass-hats I’ve ever known also happened to be christian. Your post here clearly shows the bigoted, hate-filled discrimination many christians have toward gay folks. It’s an extremely well researched and written post.

        Liked by 3 people

  3. darthtimon
    June 10, 2016

    The very idea that there’s a ‘war’ on Christianity when it holds such huge power and influence (especially in the US) is absurd. Christianity (and Islam – just look at the treatment of homosexuals in the Middle East) have actively persecuted homosexuals for years.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s ludicrous- but they’ve managed to successfully reframe discussions as to appear to be the victims every time. In essence their proposition is that *not being able to discriminate* is a threat to them.

      Liked by 2 people

      • darthtimon
        June 10, 2016

        It’s such an outrageous notion that they’re trying to defend. Do they think they are exempt from society’s rules because of their beliefs? (actually, I know some of them think this, I had a debate with a fundamentalist Christian about faith healing which more or less boiled down to that idea).


      • They do believe that. Abrahamic religions are exclusivist: unless you follow our sect’s rules, click your heel three times and do a karate kid hop, you won’t go to heaven. The natural implication is their *superiority*

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Fairy JerBear
    June 10, 2016

    Yes the ones claiming persecution are, in fact, the ones doing the persecuting. The cynicism and naked hatred has been on full display over here in the USA with this attack on trans people, including their right to pee in peace. They lost the marriage equality battle and immediately regrouped and concocted the bathroom predator myth to scare folks and use that fear to overturn all LGBTQ protections. What ever happened to “love thy neighbor/neighbour as thyself?”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. dpmonahan
    June 10, 2016

    So, Phyllis Schlafly and Pat Buchanan are not conservatives and reactionaries? Because according to you they are not reacting to anything, or trying to conserve anything. Their aggression just came out of the blue.
    If someone read this without knowing about a little thing called the sexual revolution he might conclude that Jerry Falwell invented the concept of gay marriage.


    • No, they’re not conserving anything. They’re interfering with the lives of free citizens and trying to make *them* conserve things.
      The sexual revolution didn’t force anyone to behave in any particular way. People were still free to marry as virgins. To not divorce. To conserve whatever they wanted *in their own lives*.
      What they didn’t and don’t have a right to is to choose who I sleep with. Who I sign contracts with. Who I share my life with. And before answering look closely at that timeline.

      Liked by 2 people

      • dpmonahan
        June 10, 2016

        The sexual revolution didn’t force anyone to behave in a certain way but it did change the general mentality, and that is what these people were fighting.
        Within living memory you had a world in which sex, reproduction and marriage were all of a piece. Not always in practice, but at least in people’s conception of how the world works.
        That understanding of sex is deader than dead, killed off mostly be technology – the invention of fairly cheap and effective contraceptives – and aided by individualism and commercialism. This was the sexual revolution. Our sexual mores are now determined by taste, not the demands child-rearing.
        Among the consequences of that revolution were widespread illegitimacy and fatherlessness, increased government dependency, skyrocketing divorce rates, skyrocketing STD rates, the proliferation of pornography, and abortion – all things contributing to human misery with disproportional effects on the poor.
        What were concerned citizens like Schlafly supposed to do, sit around and think, “Well I’ve still got my morals, let the rest of the world drive off a cliff.”? They were fighting an ideology that had some highly destructive aspects. They lost, by the way.


      • So the answer is to resort to fraud and blame the gays? 99% of the issues you mention are heterosexual problems. How does blaming gays address them?


      • dpmonahan
        June 13, 2016

        The justification for gay rights was identical to the justification for the rest of the sexual revolution, a manifestation of the same philosophical tendency. So they saw it as a front of the same war.


      • That’s an odd way of putting it. Gay rights are about personal autonomy.


      • dpmonahan
        June 13, 2016

        Applied to sex, autonomy (being a law unto yourself) means that individual tastes determine one’s sexual behavior. This is the sexual revolution.
        The former moral system was about subordinating one’s sexual behavior to the needs of family and social stability.


      • Apples and oranges. Two very different things. One is the autonomy to choose the identity of my spouse. Another separate issue is to subordinate behaviour to that choice, the needs of family and social stability.


      • dpmonahan
        June 14, 2016

        But you do see the connection between a vision of sex as being mostly about procreation and how mainstreaming homosexuality undermines that. Of course historically the push to mainstream homosexuality was more of a symptom of the changing understanding of sex (again, fueled by improving contraceptives) rather than the cause of it, so it was wrong to blame some big gay conspiracy. But in the heat of things and dealing with some very ugly fallout from the sexual revolution, it is understandable.


      • The problem I have with it is the dishonesty. The proposition that issue X will by fixed by method Z, when in fact method Z doesn’t address issue X in any way.
        That’s why I pointed to Schlafly’s statement on child support. If someone is genuinely interested in defending the family structure, wouldn’t you think that enforced child support plays an important role? Both in dissuading irresponsible men from adventures, and also in protecting children if their fathers weren’t responsible.


      • dpmonahan
        June 15, 2016

        On a physical level broader acceptance of homosexuality has nothing to do with, say, abortion or illegitimacy. But on a cultural level it does – society is only becoming more accepting of homosexuality because it no longer conceives of childbearing as the natural result of sex.
        The culture warriors of the last generation saw it all as one movement.
        Again, I have no idea what she was talking about with that quote, so I’m not going to attack or defend it.


      • Btw, Schlafly once said “People think that child-support enforcement benefits children, but it doesn’t.”
        What ideology do you think she might be supporting? What group in society? Families? Children?


      • dpmonahan
        June 13, 2016

        I have no idea, I would have to see the context.


    • darthtimon
      June 10, 2016

      In many respects I’d say their hostility did come out of the blue. If two men or women decide to marry, or even shag each other senseless in their own home, what difference does it make to anyone else?

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Esme upon the Cloud
    June 10, 2016

    Brilliant, so well constructed a post – few people know about everything on the timeline, some know nothing it seems.

    – esme upon the Cloud

    Liked by 3 people

  7. makagutu
    June 10, 2016

    I read to the end, *claps for self*
    I think there is in the high Court presently a case to remove some section of the constitution that only recognise marriage between people of opposite sex

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Scottie
    June 10, 2016

    Reblogged this on Scotties Toy Box and commented:
    I think this is worth reading, even though it is a bit long. I remember these things, being older than the author. Seeing these action put in this format helps set the journey we have taken and the action taken against us. It did sadden me to see how much anger some groups have for gay people. It gets to one when so much hostility and hate is poured out on you. Hugs

    Liked by 2 people

    • It saddened me as well. By the time I was done I was emotionally exhausted.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Scottie
        June 10, 2016

        Thank you for doing the hard work so we can read it. It is hard to read of such hate for no reason but it also is good to see how far we have come against such opposition. Be well . Hugs

        Liked by 1 person

      • I probably haven’t said it enough- not nearly enough; but it’s great to know you’re out there 😉 Your perpetual positivity is just amazing.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Scottie
        June 10, 2016

        Thank you. That really makes me feel good. It is a nice glow when people notice you. Be well and happy. Hugs


  9. acflory
    June 11, 2016

    You’ve shocked my safe, middle class world Pinky. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • To be honest I shocked myself. At first I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find significant events for each and every year. Then I started researching and it was like a bucket of cold water. A series of buckets.


      • acflory
        June 11, 2016

        The 70’s were ‘my’ era and I thought we were the enlightened ones. Shows how little I knew. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  10. acflory
    June 11, 2016

    Reblogged this on Meeka's Mind and commented:
    A ‘short’ history of discrimination against LGBT people since just 1977. I’m shocked, truly shocked.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. agrudzinsky
    June 11, 2016

    Watched Thatcher’s video. The anti-gay arguments are so diverse, but all so ridiculous. “Telling children that they have the right to be gay is cheating them.” What is she talking about? People either ARE gays or they are not. There is no “right” involved. It’s who they are. She could say “telling girls that they have the right to be girls is cheating them.” Or “telling black people that they have the right to be black is cheating them.” These people deliberately distort the essence of the gay movement. Gays, women, and blacks do not have “the right” to be gays, women, or black. They already are gays, women, and blacks. They have the right not to be discriminated against for being gay, women, or blacks.

    Same goes with the “attack on traditional marriage”. Who in the whole wide world can or would force or require a heterosexual to marry a person of the same sex? How is allowing same-sex marriages violating the rights of the heterosexuals to marry whoever or threaten heterosexual marriages? Are they afraid that their spouses will suddenly leave them for a same-sex person? It’s heterosexuals who seem to require gays to marry the opposite sex. Why? One comedian has pointed out that this is the opposite of what the racists did when they banned interracial marriages. This is absurd.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Thatcher video is really something. I chose it in part to remind people the Trump phenomena isn’t as new as it may seem. She says something nonsensical or simplistic and the crowd erupts into roaring applause. Another one was when she said “To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the U-turn, I have only one thing to say: You turn if you want to. The lady’s not for turning.” roaring applause *and* that line is still talked about as if there’s something incredibly clever about it. In that video you sent me Trump said “I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words”- again, applause.
      It’s just very basic identity politics combined with hierarchization.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. clubschadenfreude
    June 11, 2016

    I was 11 in 1977 and can remember Anita B and her nonsense. I knew she was wrong and I really had no idea what homosexuality was. No idea why Queen was called Queen and no idea that the songs I was singing from my soundtrack of Hair were about alternative sexuality. I saw the movie long long after I had the music (it was pop songs on the radios that I liked), and my husband found it hilarious when I finally saw the image that went with the songs…..white boys are so pretty… 🙂

    I do love when people like dp make up such bs that the world was so perfect in the 1950s before the “sexual revolution”. To quote him “Among the consequences of that revolution were widespread illegitimacy and fatherlessness, increased government dependency, skyrocketing divorce rates, skyrocketing STD rates, the proliferation of pornography, and abortion – all things contributing to human misery with disproportional effects on the poor.
    What were concerned citizens like Schlafly supposed to do, sit around and think, “Well I’ve still got my morals, let the rest of the world drive off a cliff.”? They were fighting an ideology that had some highly destructive aspects. They lost, by the way.”

    such nonsense, and goes to show that just like the instances in the post, TrueChristians have to rely on lies to make their case. The decades before the “sexual revolution” were rife with STDs, to the point that the military had to warn about them with rather entertaining posters Abortions were still done, but with no safety. Porn has been around since at least Victorian times and likely far longer. etc etc;

    Now, as usual, if DP wants to support his claims, he’s welcome to do so.

    He also tries to claim that the liars are just “concerned citizens” who were supposedly just trying to save everyone, the usual excuse given by someone who wants to force his religion on everyone, the claim that there is a horrible thing to be “saved” from but can’t actually show what that horrible thing is. Yep, poor DP and his ilk have “lost” and funny how there is less STDs, less abortion, less harm coming to the LGBT community, more awareness of domestic abuse, etc. I’m quite happy with morals that can change, and not the ignorance invented by xenophobic agrarians thousands of years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not to mention that none of the problems they say they’re worried about are fixed by gay citizens having less rights. Gays can be discriminated and so teenage heteosexuals will stop getting pregnant?

      Liked by 1 person

      • clubschadenfreude
        June 11, 2016

        as usual, many Christians who hold to nonsense don’t think very well. They don’t seem to get cause and effect. I guess that comes from believing in magic.

        Liked by 2 people

  13. Charity
    June 12, 2016

    Liked by 1 person

    • Charity
      June 12, 2016

      I still have a wee bit of hope left for humankind.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So do I! But for that to be possible, we do have to expose the people working to make life worse for their fellow citizens 😉

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      • Charity
        June 12, 2016

        Agreed. That’s quite a timeline. I feel like homosexuality is just one of the tools religion as a whole uses to deflect the REAL issues. They’ve done the same with abortion, birth control, women, children, the poor, any sex outside of marriage and with medicine as well. I guess they have to do that to distract us from their dishonesty, thievery, indoctrination and abuses. I think that’s why there are so many deconvert blogs among our age group. As generation xers, there’s beginning to be this collective disgust with overbearing authoritative leadership. We don’t want to associate ourselves with that.

        Although I love being god-free, it’s a burden where I live. I couldn’t imagine the difficulty of being both gay and god-free in our generation. Good luck to you and yours. I can’t wrap my head around the kind of anxiety, hurt and discrimination you must have, and still do, personally experience.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. theoccasionalman
    June 12, 2016

    Read the whole thing. Can we now have a report on all the progress we’ve made? Yes, the homophobia of Western civilization makes life unnecessarily difficult, but we’ve also made enormous strides toward acceptance and equality. I don’t want to diminish the importance of anything that you’ve said here, because it’s all true and all awful, but there are good things too.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. StakedinTheHeart
    June 18, 2016

    Well done.

    Seeing it in black and white like that really puts into perspective the appalling treatment of gays worldwide—still. I blame religion.

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      • StakedinTheHeart
        June 19, 2016

        Religion poisons people’s minds. And it isn’t just Christianity, it’s Islam, it’s Judaism. Ever see how Orthodox Jews treat young girls and women who aren’t dressed the way they think they should be? Grown men will curse and spit on them. Religion breeds intolerance and hatred.

        Don’t get me started….

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Arkenaten
    November 5, 2016

    I missed this post. Brilliant, Pink.

    Reading dps comments made me shake my head yet again.
    He always tries to frame his arguments in such a way that he hopes will appear to give them some sort of intellectual credibility, yet he is simply a fucking nob of the nth degree. He has never ceased to disappoint.
    You do know he is Catholic, I presume?

    For those who have never been the brunt of such direct and continual hate, to try to justify it in the way people such as dp do is beyond the pale; sheer arrogance and ignorance of the highest order. The thinly veiled bigotry is truly gag inducing.
    I cannot imagine living in fear because I was heterosexual.
    Fear of discovery, fear of prosecution and incarceration, fear of ridicule, violence and death threats and even state sanctioned death penalty.
    And to live like this day in and day out, sometimes for one´s entire life?

    Liked by 1 person

    • All the way to… this very minute. I know people who are gay but in the closet or heterosexually married- because they feel they have no choice. And that’s in our incredibly advanced, enlightened Western world in the year 2016 😉


  17. assirekaevas
    January 25, 2017

    “Pernicious” is such an ugly word. That’s why it’s mostly used by ugly people. I can’t believe the shit these people say!! I am sitting here blowing snot, shaking my head at the absolute ignorance and absurdity of some of this shit! It’s crazy to think that people ever, EVER went along with this, and THEY STILL DO!! I can’t. I can’t and I don’t want to hear how they justify this criminally anti-human behavior and mentality. They are the worst kinds of humans.

    Thank you for posting this, I sat here with blurred vision and snot bubbles, thinking how terrible it is that you and so many others would be subjected to this kind of hatred and just, just mean, mean, no-good asshole propaganda, so I’m sure it wasn’t an easy compilation to put together. But I’m thinking and hoping you found it pretty cathartic.

    I have no doubt in my mind, heart or soul that you are who you’re meant to be and love is love, no matter if you’re both innies or outies or black, white, yellow, sort of tannish (me), it doesn’t matter. Love is what’s important, not the package surrounding it. Love is all that matters, not the package surrounding it. To read and hear this blatant hatefulness and to think of how their poisonous ignorance infected others – and affected even more – is just, I have no words for it. And that’s VERY rare, haha.

    I’m deeply spiritual, but I’m not religious at all. When people ask me and I give them that answer sometimes I get the equivalent of “you can’t be spiritual and not be religious” and SOMETIMES, if they’re otherwise a cool cat, I smile sweetly and say, “Take your head out of your ass, silly, of course I can. Religion is man-made. Spirituality comes standard.” If they were an asshole to begin with, I usually don’t “deign to explain.” Although there are some wonderful people mixed up in the hot mess, religions, by and large, are bullshit; cult-ish groups of insecure, ignorant people looking for someone to be better than, so they can tell themselves that they’re better than those people. The blind and angry leading the blind and dumb.

    I’m so very, very glad that you have made it through all that bullshit and come out the wonderful person and cheeky genius that provides us all with your fascinating and thought provoking thoughts. You don’t need me to tell you this, but I want to: you are magnificent. Anyone who tells you different is a moron.

    xoxo – K

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: (Translation) Tradução: 40 Anos do Movimento Anti-Gay | Just Merveilleux?

  19. Pingback: The Magnificent Hannah Gadsby Monologue | Just Merveilleux?

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