My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Life on lock-down, including the Joys of Cook—-ware

The Boulevard de Lattre de Tassigny and Rue de Strasbourg are magnificently quiet. The weather has been lovely this week. Mike took the opportunity to help Rudy with some rehab walking exercises in the garden.

Indoors, I’ve been rehabilitating an 18th Century Madonna which had some serious leg damage, but can now stand again. Fabulous face!


And in the kitchen I’ve been reorganising the drawers. Teflon is gone, aluminium is gone, broken things are gone – and we’re down to the 1960’s Sambonet set which was the Italian equivalent to American Revere Ware. Stainless steel with copper bottoms, super practical. Last week I also got a complete set of late 60’s super vintage looking brown/beige Le Creuset (enamelled cast iron), as I only had mismatched pieces. To replace the teflon I’m going with French De Buyer carbon steel skillets which work fabulously once seasoned (there are tons of videos on youtube on how to specifically season De Buyer pieces.) In case you’re wondering once they’re seasoned they are indeed perfectly non-stick.

In food experimentation this week I attempted an adaptation of Meera Sodha’s Prawns w/ Garlic & Mustard Seeds. I substituted prawns for thickly cut  semi-circular courgette slices. It worked beautifully. At the end I threw in a splash of Arome, a splash of Nam-Pla and 4 very finely sliced anchovies. It came out on the spicy side, but as vegetarian things go, on the excellent side of the scale.

26 comments on “Life on lock-down, including the Joys of Cook—-ware

  1. Carmen
    March 20, 2020

    Lovely pics!

    You don’t find the Creuset too heavy? Our daughters have that and I don’t care for them at all, although that’s what you see in all the cooking shows. 🙂 It’s looking like the self-isolation thing is not a burden to you, then. . we haven’t minded it either.

    Liked by 1 person

    • clubschadenfreude
      March 20, 2020

      I do love my Creuset but they are heavy creatures. 🙂 We got a set of “cheap” stainless steel Cuisinart and I will admit I adore them far more than teflon. I never thought i would. We also have some classic speckled ware.

      I think us introverts are just the people to deal with self-isolation.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Carmen
        March 20, 2020

        My husband and I are both extroverts but it’s been great not having any company! We now realize just how much ‘socializing’ we do and how it interferes with other pursuits. (Mind you, it’s only been 5 days. .. and I still walk every day with my buddy, keeping the 6-ft buffer) Although we miss interacting with the grandchildren, we don’t miss having to pick up after them! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        March 20, 2020

        I know it’s terrible circumstances but I think it’s probably good for the world to take a second to stop and look inwards. At least I hope that’s what people do.


    • The Pink Agendist
      March 20, 2020

      The big pieces for the oven can be troublesome when full. The dutch oven we have (which belonged to Mike’s grandmother!) weighs 6kg empty. But the smaller pieces aren’t too bad. I suppose I’m chunky myself these days, so I don’t notice too much 😀

      And yes!!! Self-isolation works for me just fine.


  2. Sirius Bizinus
    March 20, 2020

    I see you’re putting your coronavirus donations to good use.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jim-
    March 20, 2020

    Abre la botella de Madere Cruz mi amigo. ¿Ese también tiene brandy?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Steve Ruis
    March 20, 2020

    Damn, and here I believed she hadn’t a leg to stand upon!

    And we have used some of the same cookware! Great minds, indeed, think alike!

    Our spring hadn’t sprung yet, so yours is better, far better.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The Pink Agendist
      March 20, 2020

      Revere-ware is the classic American modern cookware, isn’t it?
      We’ve had the strangest weather with bouts of spring weather starting over a month ago – then going – then coming back.


  5. Kris Jennings
    March 20, 2020

    That Le Creuset set is gorgeous! There’s nothing better than cast iron for heat conduction (our stove top is commercial continuous cast grates). A few tweaks and the zucchini is vegan 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      March 20, 2020

      Thanks! I had some dark brown and dark blue pieces, but when I saw this with the light to dark super old fashioned colour gradient I knew it was the one for me.
      If you like spicy, definitely try the zucchini. Sautee it until you’ve got that nice cooked but still firm feel. Lightly browned but with body. We liked it so much I’m adding it to our weekly plan.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. john zande
    March 20, 2020

    Nice job on the lawn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      March 20, 2020

      Are you the lawn inspector? 😛


      • john zande
        March 20, 2020

        The correct title is Classer. I am a Lawn Classer, admitted to the Guild of Classers in 1321. I have been Classing lawns ever since. (Except on Tuesdays, for obvious reasons).

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Robert A. Vella
    March 20, 2020

    Steel cookware is very good, but I prefer old-fashioned cast iron. It holds heat exceptionally well, is virtually non-stick if properly maintained, is very versatile and durable. However, my lady friends say it’s too heavy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      March 20, 2020

      Amazing isn’t it how sometimes progress (like Teflon) isn’t really progress and actually doesn’t do as good a job as what was there before.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Robert A. Vella
        March 20, 2020

        It is amazing. I think we sometimes confuse progress with commercialism (i.e. profit making).

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Helen Devries
    March 20, 2020

    We brought our Le Creuset with us to Costa Rica and I’m jolly glad we did. They weigh a ton but the results are well worth the weightlifting. Come to think of it one could start a Le Creuset Olympics…the snatch with a dutch oven…a clean and jerk with a casserole dish…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Anonymole
    March 21, 2020

    All I can say is copious olive oil and deglaze, deglaze, deglaze.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. acflory
    March 22, 2020

    My Mum bought me a set of Colorcast pots for my 21st birthday. The Colorcast are like the poorman’s Le Creuset. I’m still using them 40 odd years later. My frypans are cast iron skillets used in camping. Once seasoned, they’re perfectly non-stick too. Isn’t it funny how we end up going with the tried and true?

    Glad you and Mike are surviving the siege. Stay healthy!


  11. midihideaways
    March 23, 2020

    I love my de Buyer frying pan – it weighs a ton, but it’s so satisfying to use! And I don’t ever have to worry about getting it red hot if I need to really sear something!! Like you, I switched all the aluminium and teflon pots and pans from my cupboard. Works just as well!! I have a le creuset ‘grillit’ a ridged grill pan, which works a treat if you have a super strong extract fan! I recently discovered a pyroflam casserole in a flea market, it called out to me, so it’s now joined the ranks in my kitchen. Great for rice pudding!!
    Funny thing, while reading your post, Bette Midler came on singing “I’m beautiful” 😀
    Say safe and healthy and keep up your spirits!

    Liked by 1 person

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