My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Lady Macbeth (Leskov) & Beatriz at Dinner

We finally got around to watching both films. This Lady Macbeth (as I mentioned in a recent post) isn’t the Shakespearean version, but based on a novella published by Nikolai Leskov in Dostoevsky’s Epoch. Woman in unhappy marriage, adultery, then more adultery, then consequences. Profoundly Russian (and French!) The film is minimalist in its approach, which works beautifully. We both liked it.

Salma Hayek’s Beatriz at Dinner is also an interesting proposition. It takes place in a setting very similar to Sotogrande, in a house very similar to the ones we know, with people very similar to the ones we’ve spent our lives surrounded by. At a certain point I stopped the film and asked Mike if we were those people. He said no, because we make a conscious effort to be nice. But wouldn’t those people think precisely that? That they’re so nice they even invited the healer to dinner. To sit at the same table, no less! Anyway, the film is intense all the way through. You’re never really sure what’s going to happen next. Definitely worth seeing.

6 comments on “Lady Macbeth (Leskov) & Beatriz at Dinner

  1. acflory
    August 26, 2017

    Ouch, Pinky. I don’t think I could watch the Salma Hayek movie. I think I’d end up shouting at the TV like a senile old lady. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      August 26, 2017

      That factor makes it sort of wonderful 😀 It also makes one think about where the line is between friendly dinner party humour and language used to establish social hierarchy. Or if that’s all just one thing?
      There were a few moments in the film where I could recognise things I’d said before, or at least I’ve said similar things in similar ways.


      • acflory
        August 27, 2017

        There’s always an element of social dominance when humans get together, but I like to think that most of the time we can be humane as well as human.
        Btw, you’re not the only one with a sharp tongue. I got very drunk at a party once and tore an anglican minister to shreds. Only verbally, but …my ex nevr let me forget it. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Carmen
    August 26, 2017

    I think I would like that movie. . . 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      August 26, 2017

      If you have a chance do go see it. It’s not one those films that you watch and forget immediately. It stays in your head for days.


  3. theoccasionalman
    August 28, 2017

    There was a recent Macbeth with Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender. It’s very traditional, but their performances are intense.

    Liked by 1 person

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