My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Must Read: Let’s talk about cults

From the Daily Beast:

Megachurch: Stay With Your Kiddie Porn-Watching Husband—or Face ‘Discipline’

21 comments on “Must Read: Let’s talk about cults

  1. Ruth
    May 31, 2015

    In other words, religious abuse did not just occur at the hands of Mark Driscoll and did not end when his tenure did. Acts 29 churches continue to attempt to control the lives of their members.

    I can somewhat relate to her dilemma. The thing is, he can be repentant and look as sorrowful as can be and still be a snake in the grass, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This happened to me, though not kiddie porn. My ex has come out smelling like roses. He’s a repentant church member in good standing and everybody feels sorry for him that I so callously divorced him. Nobody – and I mean nobody – knows what happens behind closed doors. And nobody should be able to determine for any spouse when enough is just enough.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ruth
      May 31, 2015

      AND, it’s typical that the church leadership should want to cover up such horrendous behavior. I’m glad that an investigation turned up no evidence that Root had taken his fetish to a physical level, but the church would have been just as happy to have no investigation at all.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. David Prosser
    May 31, 2015

    How can anyone have any faith in the institution of the Church after reading this. For years the Catholic Church abandoned it’s care towards parishioners by hiding details of unnatural behaviour by priests with young boys, of violence by nuns towards children in care, and now this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Scottie
    May 31, 2015

    Thank you. I found this so important I made a post about it on my blog. Hugs

    Liked by 2 people

  4. inspiredbythedivine1
    May 31, 2015

    Wow. Just wow!


  5. Liberty of Thinking
    May 31, 2015

    Oh my friend, one of my former theology professors was known even to students for having had affairs…
    But he sincerely repented, so good enough to teach!
    And pastor counselors voted back into pastoral duties after several counts of adultery, with former wife still a member?
    Just one of the many reasons why I decided to deconvert…

    Liked by 2 people

  6. foolsmusings
    May 31, 2015

    Again and again we see the same stories. We hear the same right wing religious douchebags who call for the most extreme punishments for child sex crimes and then do whatever they can to protect their own no matter how heinous their crimes. Hypocrisy and religion go hand in hand, it’ll never change until the judiciary stops coddling religious groups. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  7. nancyabramsblogger
    June 1, 2015

    I wonder whether the church leaders in question genuinely think that document they have their members sign upon joining the church is legally binding. I highly doubt that it is. These people are basically expected to sign away their right to make decisions about their personal lives, and that’s an awful thing to expect someone to do. As frustrated as I am with the way Catholicism handles things like divorce, at least they limit their control to in-church punishments like not being able to receive communion. This whole “you’re not allowed to stop being a member” thing is absolutely ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. myatheistlife
    June 1, 2015

    There is only one religion that is not a cult … and it has not yet been invented.


    • Charmaine Martin
      June 2, 2015

      My unresearched opinion is that cults are invented; religions evolve organically, beginning with humankind’s innate longing for the divine. As a Christian, I believe that longing is part of God’s creation. As St. Augustine put it, “I am restless until I find my rest in Thee.” Also, as a Christian, I see how religions devolve and splinter into cults – the divine is always (mis)interpreted by the human. And power does corrupt. As acflory noted, the powerful seek only to protect themselves, and will twist any truth to hold onto power.

      Of course, another definition of a cult is “any religion but one’s own.” That’s a nice humbling thought when I get on a high-horse, and by that definition, my dear m.a.l, your post is perfectly accurate. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • myatheistlife
        June 3, 2015

        What do you call a cult that has been around for hundreds of years?


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        June 3, 2015



      • inspiredbythedivine1
        June 3, 2015

        The Girl Scouts?


      • Charmaine Martin
        June 4, 2015


        Liked by 1 person

      • myatheistlife
        June 4, 2015

        LOL I was thinking any cult that has been around long enough is just called a religion.


      • Charmaine Martin
        June 4, 2015

        You may be right. I was thinking – Buddha didn’t set out to found a religion. Ergo, it’s a religion. Joseph Smith & L. Ron Hubbard did, ergo cults. I can think of other long-lived cults, but their adherents are REALLY touchy, so I won’t name names.

        By that standard, Christianity started as a Jewish cult. (hard to explain away, “You are Peter and on this rock I build my church.” and “go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” The guy was founding a religion.) But I think it evolved, devolved, reformed, deformed – now it’s just a mess. But it’s my mess

        And, we can call Christianity and especially its off-shoots “cults’ without worrying about being burned. In this century.


  9. acflory
    June 1, 2015

    Sadly any group that becomes a behemoth – secular or religious – seeks only to protect itself. We’re going through some horrendous revelations here at the moment, and the rot is /not/ restricted to the Catholic Church and other, similar church type institutions. It’s almost as if they do not comprehend that the sexual abuse of children is bad. :/


  10. makagutu
    June 1, 2015

    That left me speechless.


  11. Arkenaten
    June 1, 2015

    Just way too heavy.


  12. karenjane369
    June 1, 2015

    It is almost too ludicrous to believe, but having attended a Baptist Church for several years in my teens, I know they like to have a lot of control over you. I cannot understand how any organisation, religious or not, can ignore child abuse.


  13. appletonavenue
    June 5, 2015

    There have been a lot of sins perpetrated by religious people. How dare a group of ‘good’ people do that? How can you demand a woman stay with her husband and brush the secrets under the rug. A pat on the head and sent to bed like a child, just to feed the lust of the pedophiles in the church. Disgusting. If you want to find all the pedophiles, start with the churches.


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