My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

A Very Mazamet Summer: Flowers, Food & Wine

New areas for summer people

And a good time was had by all, I believe.

Our first guests of the year have come and gone. My brother and sister-in-law. I realised something fantastic happened to all of us over the years, just as these things go when we’re lucky — and it’s that we’ve all arrived at a version of ourselves we’re happy with. We’re leading lives we enjoy, in places we enjoy, and there is much food and much drink.

We had a sort of food extravaganza in the past weeks. Everything from Pithviviers which Mike’s brother introduced us to last night and I fell in love with, to prawns in anis, pesto, oysters, poke bowls, an obscene amount of cheeses — and did I mention much drink? I was also introduced to Fava Bean Paste by Hodmedod’s which is a very interesting seasoning which has an extremely intense miso flavour. Perfect for adding depth to sauces.

In Number 42 news, the house isn’t looking bad at all. The new mattresses for the guest rooms arrived. Softer for Summer Girl number I’s room, firmer for Summer Girl number II’s. This year we also get Mr. Summer Girl, or is it just Summer Boy? Anyway, their brother who is as much fun as they are. He’ll be accompanied by his wife. When he was first divorced and was looking for a new relationship we used to have sessions voting on who he should communicate with on a dating app. He ended up marrying the person we all voted for!

Work is exactly how we like it, quiet and stable. The Louis XV Aubusson set is going to live in a glorious chateau in Brittany. Some gorgeous pieces are here including a processional size Madonna. Her base is extraordinary, it’s got angels the size of wine bottles.

Very reminiscent of the work of Salzillo. He loved adding in some angels to his sculpture groupings.


Angeles de Salzillo -

And finally, Mike’s pre-surgery consult is later this month. That’s the point at which they set a day which will be sometime in September. He’s chosen the robot surgery and total removal. We’re positive about the whole thing.

109 comments on “A Very Mazamet Summer: Flowers, Food & Wine

  1. Helen Devries
    July 5, 2022

    Sounds like a perfect visit….
    Best wishes for a speedy appointment following the consultation…..I note that, as always, nothing happens in August!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 5, 2022

      It was excellent! And yes, absolutely. To be fair we also don’t happen in August. The heat this year so far has been over the top. Let’s hope August is better!

      Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        July 31, 2022

        Hi greetings and good health to ya.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 31, 2022

        To you as well. Just started reading your posts. Very interesting. Is your background in religious studies or philosophy?


      • mosckerr
        July 31, 2022

        In the early 2000s rabbis including myself attempted to re-establish the lateral common law Federal court system of the Republic. The attempt failed, but the legal system of the Talmud – that’s where my expertise rests.


      • mosckerr
        July 31, 2022

        My sh’itta of learning studies both the T’NaCH and the Talmud as common law… as opposed to and contrasted by Roman statute law combined with ancient Greek philosophy expressed through Greek logic as opposed to Jewish logic.


      • mosckerr
        July 31, 2022

        Systems of Logic, they define the Oral Torah. The lights of Hanukkah Jews dedicated to only interpret the Written Torah by the Oral Torah logic system.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 31, 2022

        Thank you for answering. I’m fascinated by all this. Years ago I discovered I’m from a family of papal Jews. Aka neophytes, forced to convert in 1605. So what you write is a portal into a new world for me


      • mosckerr
        August 1, 2022

        During the years of exile, Jewish leadership “converted” the Torah to a religion known as Judaism. But during the reign of David, the Torah served as the Written Constitution of the State. The exact identical role of the current written Constitution of the United States.


      • mosckerr
        August 1, 2022

        Naturally my blog in favour of the political concept of the Torah as opposed to the exile/religious prioritization of the Torah.


      • mosckerr
        August 1, 2022

        Notice have brought the precedents of shabbat and Pesach. Shabbot stands apart from the work days of the week. Why? Shabbot serves as a metaphor to the chosen Cohen nation which likewise stands apart from the Goyim. The primary purpose of “peace”; peace with family friends and neighbors. These folk the shabbat breaks bread with. Shalom never made with alien foreigners abroad b/c their national interests collide with those of the Jewish state.

        As goes with Pesach. Why the requirement to remove all leavened goods from ones house/private domain? Another metaphor that recalls the oppression and slavery made by Par’o and Egypt! Pesach removes leavened products as a dedication not to oppress the brit people who make up the nation of Israel in the oath sworn lands as did Par’o and the Europeans enslaved Jewry.


      • mosckerr
        August 2, 2022

        Myself and “others” seek to restore the Torah as the written Constitution of the Republic with the latteral common law (in Hebrew משנה תורה) Sanhedrin courtrooms which impose Capital Crimes punishments.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 3, 2022

        You don’t find that extreme in our times?


      • mosckerr
        August 3, 2022

        I do not understand. What makes the Torah as the Constitution of the Jewish Republic, how does this objective qualify as “extreme”?

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 3, 2022

        I mean capital punishment. It’s been almost completely abolished in the developed world.


      • mosckerr
        August 3, 2022

        Strongly favor capital punishment. Why? Because capital punishment distinguishes Sanhedrin Capital Crimes courts from Torts courts.


      • The Pink Agendist
        August 3, 2022

        I understood that part, but what do you think is actually gained? Don’t most studies show it doesn’t really have a deterrent effect? So if crime levels aren’t affected, who benefits?

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 3, 2022

        The murderer has no rights. The larger community which witnesses the execution of this convicted murderer, shortly after he committed the murder. Those people thereafter fear committing the crime of murder.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 3, 2022

        So capital punishment is only in the case of murder? Tell me more. What are the rules?


      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        No. Capital crimes cases involve avodah zarah, adultery, rape and other heinous crimes.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        The Torah mandates Capital Crimes cases. Local Torts courts judge lesser damage trials. The Torah mandates the Sanhedrin courts to judge Capital Crimes trials.


      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        The government has great lateral flexibility. If a person acted as a spy for a foreign country, this might qualify as a Capital Crimes case.


  2. Steve Ruis
    July 5, 2022

    Ah, I am so happy! You have created a little paradise, both inside and outside of you. You have made my day for sharing your good fortune. and, as always, we hold Mike in our thoughts for a good outcome medically. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 5, 2022

      Paradise is a very generous word, but I’ll take it! Are things on edge in Illinois? The news on the television isn’t very good.


      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        Viewed from Israel, the US seems to stand on the cliff-edge of internal revolution/Civil War. America seems in almost a panic sense of chaos and anarchy. Americans randomly murdering school children?! That’s just nuts.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 4, 2022

        It is. In France all we get is the occasional terrorist attack


      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        Interesting France fought 3 wars against Germany to keep or return the Alsace–Lorraine. Yet writes UN 242 which demands that Israel returns Samara back to Jordan, even though France condemned Jordan’s nationalization of the “West Bank” following 1948 Israeli Independence.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        Obviously terrorists tried before a Capital Crimes Sanhedrin court. Death by stoning: entails a scaffold 3 stories high. The convicted condemned taken naked to the top of the scaffold and push off to a jagged boulder below. No one ever survived the splatter of this fall. The Talmudic concept of stoning, far different than that depicted in the new testament Roman counterfeit.


  3. clubschadenfreude
    July 5, 2022

    “I realised something fantastic happened to all of us over the years, just as these things go when we’re lucky — and it’s that we’ve all arrived at a version of ourselves we’re happy with. We’re leading lives we enjoy, in places we enjoy, and there is much food and much drink.”

    alas that takes some time to get to. Looks wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 5, 2022

      It certainly does! And it also takes time to see things from other people’s points of view. I think in the past we were all too busy juggling one thing or another to be able to stop and enjoy each other’s company.


    • mosckerr
      August 4, 2022

      clubschadenfreude you seem on a happy pill. Honestly the language of “paradise” or “wonderful” hardly describes American society viewed from my perspective in Israel.

      Liked by 1 person

      • clubschadenfreude
        August 6, 2022

        so, dear, what’s your problem? I was responding to Pink about his post. And despite the stupidity here in the US, I can have a wonderful life. I can also stand up to the ignorant morons here.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 6, 2022

        An odd case of propaganda, I think. Israeli internet “farms”.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 6, 2022

        OK good for you.


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 7, 2022

        and nice fail. sigh.


      • mosckerr
        August 8, 2022

        You’re so chipper and happy and gay. LOL


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 8, 2022

        Yep, I am indeed chipper, happy and gay. Poor dear, so upset that your ignorance has been revealed, ridiculed and reviled.


      • mosckerr
        August 9, 2022

        Simply consider the source and am fine with it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 17, 2022

        clubschadenfreude writes: [[[“I have challenged several atheists to give me good reasons for why I should not be a Christian. To this point they have failed.”]]].

        The new testament violates the 1st Sinai commandment … LOL


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 18, 2022

        well, here’s the failure back again. Alas, poor theists are always saying that each other is violating something, isn’t a TrueWhatever(tm), isn’t biblical, etc. And
        gee not one of you poor dears can show your god even exists, much less that your version of whatever religion is the one true version. You are all frauds.

        and no, dear I didn’t write that. I quoted it. Do get it right.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 18, 2022

        Ahhh poor kitty kitty got your fur all standing up and your back arched ready to pounce on another roach.

        Am an atheist praise G-d – that’s my theism. LOL ooops ya want to try again. So you’re not the only roach chaser in town, surprise surprise … NOT. Sucks being a miserable loser.


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 20, 2022

        I do love a supposed atheist afraid of putting a “o” in the word god. ROFL.


      • The Pink Agendist
        August 20, 2022



      • clubschadenfreude
        August 21, 2022

        poor moscky, he’s just incoherent.


      • mosckerr
        August 20, 2022

        That’s Jewish custom. The atheist praise G-d, likewise validates multiple Gods. Israel has an oath brit with the G-d revealed @ Sinai, and with no other Gods.


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 21, 2022

        and more incoherence from a failure.


      • mosckerr
        August 21, 2022

        A Goy declares Jews “a failure”. To paraphrase Shakespeare: Me thinketh that the lady doth protest over-much.


      • mosckerr
        October 3, 2022

        As an introduction: to this the 17 פרק of Parshat במדבר, in honor of Yom Kippur.  The yearly reading cycle of the Torah begins to renew itself, just as do the 13 middot logic system format, also known as Rabbi Akiva Divine Chariot mysticism – פרדס.
        .והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על פני תהום ורוח אלהים מרחפת על פני המים …  ויקדש אתו כי כו שבת מכל מלאכתו אשר ברא אלהים לעשות.

        Adam formed from clay or stone?  רוח אלהים מרחפת: HaShem lives as Spirit not words.  This Spirit commands Order from chaos and anarchy, known as מלאכתו.  Therefore, the concept of ‘forbidden work’ which defines the mitzva of Shabbat, means something altogether different than the ‘forbidden work’ which Par’o enslaved Israel in Egypt. Like the difference between Clay and stone, the classic building elements used in construction-work.

        The Torah directly commands whole stones, to build an altar.  Base and precious metals mined directly from the earth.  משל\נמשל Torah commandments first formally introduced at Sinai, carved in stone.  Giving Order to chaos and anarchy, Torah commandments serve as precedents to define Torah Law.  Imposing Torah Law as the Order of a Society of Man, Divine מלאכתו, which transforms Olam Ha’Bah to this World today.

        The famous codes of the Books of the Commandments written during the Dark Ages, tend to organize around a binary set, positive and negative commandments, something like basic Yes/No On\Off computer code languages today.  They ignored Positive time-oriented commandments and the positive/negative ‘Partnership complex commandments’. 

        Complex protein molecules serve as the building blocks of all life on this earth.  משנה תורה Common Law compares these complex protein molecules found in both chemistry and biology, which base themselves upon the simple elements, the formation and organization of these basic elements, into complex protein structures.

        Building a Jewish state out of nothing, most essentially defines Zionism.  Sanctification of a defined utterly new organization Order לשמה which exists solely within a ‘world to come’ civilization. That prior to this מלאכתו such a societal Order did not even exist. This מלאכתו in essence requires separation of a ” chosen Cohen” Order of civilization over all other competitive societal Goyim Orders of civilization. 
        Zionism, so to speak, stands upon the dedication of Yitzak, placed upon an altar of stone, by Avraham.  The Koran by contrast, challenges this Order, its replacement theology argues that Avraham dedicated Ishmael and not Yitzak upon that stone altar.  Yet בראשית holds the רמז (words within words) of ברית אש, while never once does the Koran stand upon the ברית יסוד.  Brit no more refers to “covenant” than words can communicate רוח אלהים. Hence the Torah negative commandment never to pronounce the the Name of HaShem based upon the Reshon grammar constructs. The Name a רוח and not a word.

        The name אלהים, linked to the Nefesh חי, dedicated on Yom Kippur.  The dedication of the Chayya Nefesh, Jews as clay, we cement our personal lives together with the destiny of our people as the מלאכתו of our faith.  Hatred without cause, together with assimilation continuously threatens to return an Ordered Cohen society into chaos and anarchy … revolution, Civil War, foreign intervention, loss of National sovereignty, and g’lut.

        Zionism does not stand, nor does it even invite Athenian ‘Democracy’ to supplant as the rule of law, lateral common law courtrooms.  The political notion/ (political science) philosophy\, developed in the 16th and 17th Centuries in Western European civilizations, how much more so!  Zionism today in like and equal measure rejects Marx and others’ ideas of Socialism, as a foreign competition to the chosen Cohen civilization’s vision of lateral courtroom imposed judicial justice: fair compensations for damages. The primary duty of the Courts, to resolve conflicts and disputes among and between our People.

        The vision of Zionism to build and establish from nothing, based upon the concept that HaShem created the world from nothing.  To create from עולם הבא a Torah Constitutional Republic.  The chosen Order of the civilization known as Zionism.  Based upon the stone altar by which Avraham dedicated Yitzak holy to HaShem.  Just as Avraham did not physically slaughter Yitzak, the Torah never commands sacrifices at some imaginary Catholic-like Cathedral.  No imaginary messiah can replace the justice which lateral Sanhedrin Federal courtrooms impose upon the Cohen society. The Torah does not harp upon the sins of Man, but rather how to reconcile disputes between brothers through just judicial rulings.

        The Torah speaks in the language of Man.  God/Justice defines the משל\נמשל logic of how the Torah speaks and organizes these complex, abstract relationships.  In all matters relating to HaShem, the Talmud instructs: “train your tongue to say I do not know’. Lower animal-minds limit reality to the physical environment wherein they live.  The chosen Cohen People, by stark contrast, can create from the world to come the realities which shape the world right now; life in the world come, resembles the created work of an artist. Like art painted onto a canvas, so to life in this world today, based upon the mussar vision of the prophets.  

        President Kennedy set the vision of the American nation, to put a Man on the Moon in that decade.  Hertzl created the vision of a Jewish State in 50 years. Despite the tumah barbarism of Hitlers’ Nazism counter vision.   His dream of a 1000-year Reich.  An abomination, a total disgrace of extermination, violently slaughtered in less than 30 years.  European barbarity proved the New Testament vision as nothing other than a lie.  A religion which preaches love but throughout history continually produced the fruits of violent hate and injustice.  

        Matthew 7:16 – 20: 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

        Zionism rejects Xtian European society.  Jews who assimilate and embrace the culture, customs, manners and ways practiced by these foreign alien people, and how they organize their society, those tumah Jews worship avoda zarah.  Just as oil does not mix with water, so too and how much more so does Zionism reject peace with all European civilizations.

        Zionism rejects the imperialism known as the ‘2 State solution’, which specifically France, and the UN African Non-Aligned Movement/alliance in general, attempts to dictate – through their ventriloquist dummy UN Resolutions.  Their repeated attempts to treat the Jewish state as a protectorate territory of the UN.  Their denial that Israel won its Independence in both 1948 and again in 1967.  The pretence that nations which refer to Israel as the “Zionist Entity”, who have no diplomatic relations with the Jewish state; can miraculously dictate the strategic interests of this Israeli government, they do not even recognize. This laughable absurdity, completely unnoticed by the unhinged, and completely skewed MSM propaganda Press.

        Rabbi Yechuda, the Head of the Great Sanhedrin, organized his משנה based upon the Oral Torah of Moshe, the Book of דברים, also known as the משנה תורה.  Confusion and error raised its head of chaos and anarchy when rabbinic instruction declared the משנה of Rabbi Yechuda as the Oral Torah.  

        The church fathers, by comparison, based upon their primitive, barbaric, & utterly tumah spiritual avoda zarah, upon the arrogant presumption that the Oral Torah, if it even exists, exists only as laws of men.  But even this semi-positive presumption the church later denied. The very idea that the משנה of Rabbi Yechuda qualifies as the Oral Torah revealed simultaneously with Written Torah.

        Church fathers rejected with a vigour the Mishna Oral Torah written by Rabbi Yechuda. Comparable to how Israel rejects the EU 2 State Solution, as the petrification dictate, to impose 1948 Armistice lines as the permanent borders of the Jewish state.  After WWI the League of Nations determined the mandate territories of Palestine. This mandate territory included all the lands of Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan and Israel! Britain redefined the mandate territory of Palestine, separated from Trans-Jordan at the Jordan river border. But once Israel fought and won our National Independence in 1948 and again in 1967, the Jewish state permanently ceased being a protectorate of the United Nations.

        These pompous, presumptuous, arrogant priests, they denied and totally invalidated the משנה תורה\Oral Torah of Moshe the prophet.  Because they deduced that Rebbi Yechuda’s משנה obviously came after the Written Torah.  It never occurred to these corrupt fools that the common denominator which links the משנה תורה to the משנה: Common Law.

        Church avoda zarah loves the rhetoric propaganda made by the agent provocateur, the Apostle Paul, (1 Corinthians 9:20-21) “not being under law myself … though not being without the law of God, but under the law of avoda zara.”

        The organization of the alien New Testament embraces Roman, influenced by Arabic numerology; the Xtian codifiers, who translated the Hebrew T’NaCH, introduced the Greco-Roman concepts (which the Rambam statute code of halacha duplicated) of numbered Chapters and verses.   All alien translations of the Hebrew T’NaCH dismantled and cast away the Order of פרקים וסוגיות, in favor of Chapters and verses.
        These bloated priests of anal gas avoda zarah did not know that all T’NaCH prophets command mussar.  Prophets do not foresee the future, as do tumah witches who worship a female God. 

        Mussar applies equally to all generations of Israel.  The prophets through משל\נמשל compare the heart of Israel to both stone and earth. Based upon the Torah aggaditah, the story of the ‘hardened heart of Par’o.  Mussar instructs through the instruction of תוכחות. Approximately 1/4th of the Sha’s Bavli – Aggadic, comparable to the Book of בראשית in the 4 Books of the Written Torah. The ‘shape’ of the Talmud models and duplicates the ‘shape’ of the 5 Books of the Torah. Both teach Common Law, and both teach mussar through Aggadah.

        Matthew 13:3-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 8:4-8 teaches the משל of the parable of the Sower of seeds: seeds cast upon rocks and soil.  The basis of Oral Torah common law, a fundamental distinction which Church avoda zarah never discerned, all Torah instruction learns by way of the משל\נמשל logical parameters.  All sonnets, by comparison, hold 14 lines of poetry. The study of Torah requires making the required logical דיוקים known as משל\נמשל. The Ramban made a רמז to this fact in his kabbalistic introduction to his Chumash commentary, where he compared משל\נמשל to white fire on black fire דיוקים.

        The corpulent Priest gas bags never questioned, nor made any effort in the least, to clarify ‘the law’ which the agent provocateur Paul declared the Goyim liberated therefrom; the distinction between משנה תורה common law from Greco-Roman statute law, never once did these flatulent babbling theologians ever discern the fundamental contrast between the two completely different (day & night) systems of law.

        Post the Rambam Civil War, all rabbis other than the Rosh and the Baali Tosafot survivors, they too failed to make this fundamental distinction between Law & Law.  Consequently, all Talmudic learning based upon common law, this key sh’itta of learning & instruction ceased within Yeshiva walls, even in Israel today. 

        Virtually no “Rabbinic authority, instructs the sh’itta of learning the B’hag, Rif, & Rosh codes, wherein their posok halacha, derived from Gemara sources on a specific Mishna serves as precedents to interpret the language of the Mishna!  None of the classic super commentaries on any of the Great Halachic codes learns Gemara halacha as precedents by which to interpret the k’vanna of Rabbi Yechuda’s Mishna.
        Hence none of the Rabbis, centuries of scholarship, expecially the pilpul school, discerns the diametrically opposed natures: Common law halachot “heaven”, from Rambam, Tur, Shulkan Aruch assimilated Roman statute tumah law avoda zarah “Hell”. Modern rabbinic Judaism venerates this assimilated trash, comparable to how post WWII Catholics seek to declare Poop Pius XII a saint.

        In like manner, not a single Geon or Reshon Torah commentary learned the 4 Books of the Written Torah based upon משנה תורה Mitzvot precedents!  These rabbis blindly followed the ירידות הדורות “socialist Party Line”, saying Rabbi Yechuda wrote down, due to the dire times, the Oral Torah.  Israelis today do not know that משנה תורה, translates as ‘Common Law’.  Hence, they likewise fail to discern the Rambam code as Roman statute law as opposed by Torah Common law.

        Another flagrant error of instruction, the rabbis limit and restrict the Mishna as meaning repetition.  The Gemara of ערובין and פרקי אבות teaches, that Moshe instructed and repeated the Torah no less than four times. Four lines of Rashi and Tosafot precede the opening line of every Gemara, based upon this simplistic rote idea of learning.  Rote learning, good for young children, it permits the Talmud to flow like the tune of a song.  But children of Torah instruction must mature and grow-up, in order to develop a depth by which they study and learn throughout their lifetimes.

        The משנה תורה compares סוגיות from the Book of דברים with the סוגיות of the Written Torah, based upon a shared common denominator of like tohor middot.  The Books of the NaCH Prophets likewise interpret the mussar of Written Torah prophecy through an analysis of similar middot.  This learning defines the פרדס logic of Torah common law.

        The Siddur, specifically the Shemone Esrei, defines a huge dispute held between the Sages within the Talmud.  Whether סמוכים exists between פרקים Yes or No.  The Shemone Esrei, for example, stands upon the principle that סמוכים joins together all the blessings within tefilla.  Only the first blessing through אלהי אברהם holds the required שם ומלכות, according to the Baali Tosafot learning on the Gemara of ברכות, which separates blessing/oaths from praise/Psalms.  None of the other “blessings” of the Shemone Esrei contain שם ומלכות.  Hence, the Gemara of ברכות instructs a mussar which requires k’vanna during tefillah. Not only raising the praise of the first Blessing to that of a sworn oath blessing. But of סמוכים which elevates each of the non oath praises, into Torah oath blessings. The Gemara of Sanhedrin interprets the cause for the floods of Noach to swearing false oaths.

        Therefore, the dispute of יש סמוכים או אין סמוכים בין הפרקים, it radically changes the Order of the middot found within any given סוגיה within the Written Torah!  Therefore no less than two different sh’ittot exist between how a person brings משנה תורה precedents by which to interpret the k’vanna of the Written Torah.  But in point of fact, many more than these two sh’ittot most obvious sh’ittot exist. A person with a creative mind can easily mature and logically derive 4 different sh’ittot to compare משנה תורה precedents to interpret Written Torah laws.


      • mosckerr
        August 22, 2022

        What defines the Talmud. The Written Torah contains positive and negative commandments.

        Therefore the Talmud definition entails positive and negative attributes, otherwise known as middot. 1. The Talmud: Not an encyclopedia. 2. The words of the Talmud: Not the Oral Torah. This requires clarification due to the complexity of the subject. First order of business: where exists the Oral Torah within the Books of the Written Torah?

        The משנה תורה, which means Common Law; the 5th Book of the Torah. What defines the Mishna, and its relationship with the משנה תורה\Deuteronomy? Both this and that stand “Jewish common law” upon the foundation of precedents – similar case studies.

        The Books of the Prophets, the NaCH, these Books compare prophetic mussar with משנה תורה mussar. While the halachot within the Gemara compares with the Case/Rule halachot contained within the language of the Mishnah.

        The Talmud, in Tractate Shabbat, for example. The Gemarah limited it’s examination of the term מלאכה to the 39 labors required to build the Mishkan. The Talmud totally ignored the Egyptian context of מלאכה, as slavery and oppression.

        This most obvious of דיוקים/logical inferences\ made upon the term מלאכה, serves as a key example which defines how to properly study every page of Gemara. The Oral Torah exists as a unique logic system format, completely different from the logic developed by ancient Greek philosophers.

        A common error concerning the “Oral Torah”, that sages received it ‘word of mouth’ taught from rabbi to students, till Rabbi Yechuda codified the Mishnah. No.

        Students of mathematics do not learn math skills only through rote memorization. The prophet Isaiah condemned rote learning. Rabbi Yechuda’s Mishna codified the rulings of the Great Sanhedrin courts. He did this because the Romans intended to expel the Jewish people from Judea and rename this land “Palestine”.

        The logic of the Oral Torah, the knowledge of how to compare a Case/Rule Mishnah with other similar halachic precedents. The Talmud duplicates by way of its unique ” Difficulty/Answer ” methodology/sh’itta – the prosecutor/defense functions,,, the ‘trial law’ codified within Talmudic common law.

        The Temple represents, perhaps the greatest ירידות הדורות \domino effect/ upon the generations of Jewry, only surpassed by the Yad Chazakah Roman statute law codification of halacha. This latter statute law code, more than the earlier common law codes made upon the Talmud, established the religion of Judaism organized into tidy religious subject matters. Thus Rambam, crowned the king of Yiddishkeit, during the middle ages. To criticize the construction of the Temple or the Rambam code as just wrong, plain and simple — both, totally taboo subjects of ערוה\כרת.

        The Rambam’s Roman statute law code obliterated the Aggaditah within the Talmud. Not so the common law codes compiled by the B’hag, Rif, and post Rambam, the Rosh. These scholars recognized that common law defines the k’vanna nature of Talmud.

        They organized their halachic posok/rulings around a specified Mishnah, based upon the premise that their posok halachah served as essential precedents by which to interpret the k’vanna of the language of the Mishnah.

        Not so the Roman statute law assimilated codes: made famous by Maimon, ben Asher, and Karo. The latter group of assimilated rabbinic רשעים, they failed to grasp the most essential nature wherein the Gemarah understood the language of the Mishnah, interpretation through halachic precedents. Worse yet, their statute law codes obliterated the warp/weft halacha/aggadah Talmudic fabric.

        As the Book of דברים/deuteronomy\משנה תורה/common law, post Napoleon freeing the Jews from the Catholic ghetto prisons, the liberated Reform rabbis condemned all the codes of halachah – as archaic. Primarily due to their ignorance between common law vs. statute law.
        But long before liberal rabbis spewed their ignorance, the Polish commentaries upon the Shulchan Aruch, written during the ghetto dark ages, made the exact same fundamental error. They too failed to discern the basic distinctions between common and statute law. They too lacked the skills required to learn a page of Gemara correctly.

        Compounding this confusion on Talmudic common law, post WWI, Jews developed the custom commonly known as ‘Dof Yomi’. This error in learning shattered the mussar/סוגיה relationship. Which the earlier Reshon statute law\halachic codes/ previously obliterated. Organization of halachot into religious subjects, while convenient for religious Yiddishkeit, it effectively murdered the common law identity of the Talmud.

        Therefore long before liberal Reform determined that the religious laws of Orthodox Judaism, as being: old, outdated, and archaic, the assimilated Reshonim rabbis had already undermined the common law status of the Talmud.

        Hands down the greatest tragedy accomplished by assimilated Reshonim rabbis, their failure to grasp the essence of three judge Torts courts; a lateral common law court system, which splits two of the three judges into prosecutor and defense most basic of role functions in Jewish Torts courtrooms.

        The משנה תורה precedent צדק צדק תרדוף serves as the best, deepest understanding of the 1st Sinai commandment which requires bnai brit to keep all the commandments לשמה. The first commandment links the Name of HaShem with the מלאכה of Egyptian slavery; justice among our people, hands down without question the greatest commandment. A man neither loves HaShem nor his neighbors through מלאכה actions of oppression.

        Translating the Talmud into other languages fundamentally confuses the nature of Talmudic common law, which learns by means of outside precedents. For this reason this commentary opposes both assimilated Roman statute halachic codes, together with modern translations. The value and contribution to Yiddishkeit by both this and that … a comparison to the usefulness of tits on a boar hog.


      • mosckerr
        August 22, 2022

        The Jewish debate which pitted Greek rationalism against פרדס common law logic.
        The assimilation to ancient Greek philosophy, commonly known as: rationalism. This debate witnessed the victory of the assimilated rational school over traditional פרדס common law school. The latter system of logic, had defined how to correctly learn T’NaCH, Talmud, and Midrashim, prior to the outbreak of the Rambam Civil War. Billed by later generations as the controversy between Faith vs Reason. This twisted categorization of Common Law vs Roman Statute Law, its complete and total ignorance, effectively blew out the “Chanukkah lights” miracle, across the spectrum of g’lut Jewish communities.

        The Chanukkah Civil War\Revolt, occurred during middle period of the 2nd Republic. Assimilated Tzeddukim רשעים, embraced Greek logic philosophy as true. In 167 BCE, these assimilated traitors from the House of Aaron, attempted to turn Jerusalem into a Greek polis city-state. The Book of the Maccabees compiles the history, which records the defeat of the Tzeddukim rebels.

        The rediscovery of ancient Greek manuscripts, concealed by Church censorship for almost a millennium, a direct consequence of the Muslim invasion of Spain. The rediscovery of forgotten ancient Greek logic, released the bottled genie out of its prison. Once again assimilated Jewish traitors kissed and worshipped the dead idol Gods worshipped by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Rambam’s organization of his halachot into religious subject matter. That Code of statute law, based itself upon ancient Greek rationalism, rather than פרדס Oral Torah middot of logic.

        The latter system of common law, its logic works by and through making precedent comparisons of סוגיות within the T’NaCH to other similar סוגיות. Based upon a shared common denominator of identical middot. This system of common law logic, likewise compares Mishnaic Case/law rulings to other Gemarah halachot, based upon the identicle system of logic. This unique sh’itta/system, it defines the style expressed through Talmudic common law legalism.

        The later commentaries made upon the Yitzchak al-Fasi, the Rif, his halachic code, they compare to the later halachic commentary written by the Rosh. All the later super-commentaries on the B’hag, Rif, Rosh and Rambam codes, they all err, and learn the halachah contained within the B’hag/Rif/Rosh common law codes as statute law. Knowledge of learning common law halachic precedents, by which to understand the language of the Mishnah, all together ceased.

        The public book burnings of the Talmud witnessed the near total collapse of Torah common law scholarship. Assimilated Greek rationalism replaced the common law logic system of “Faith”, which learns the Talmud strictly as common law. Only the Rosh, who witnessed the Paris 1242 burnings, this one last Great Posek held firm to the middot logic system of faith, and rejected the rationalism by which the Rambam code redefined the sh’itta of how to learn the Talmud, which replaced פרדס logic with Greek rationalism.

        The Rosh code, like the B’hag and Rif codes interpreted Gemarah halachot as precedents by which to learn the k’vanna of Mishnaic common law justice. The Rambam, ben Asher, and Karo codes, together with all the later super-commentaries on these codes, they fail to affix Gemarah halachot as precedents to understand the k’vanna of the Mishnah.

        Ben Asher, the son of the Rosh, based his Tur codification upon Greek rationalism rather than the kabbalah taught by his father, which understood Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס common law direction, of how to learn the Written Torah by means of משנה תורה common law precedents. The Karo statute law halachic codes, the Beit Yosef and Shulkah Aruch, they too broke faith with the logic of common law learning. These latter day counterfeit codes of statute religious halachic law, they sealed the cursed fate of g’lut Jewry; thrown off the path walk which Moshe the prophet commands the generations of Israel. His common law Torah compilation: the 4 Books of the Written Torah and 1 Book Oral Torah.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 23, 2022

        You still haven’t answered my question! Are you a Haredim? You’re Shtisel!!!


      • mosckerr
        August 24, 2022

        A nice comparison. As an atheist praise G-d I resemble that remark. HaHaHaHa big smile. I learned in Haredi Yeshivot and discovered why I disagree with them.


      • mosckerr
        August 28, 2022

        Its the month of Elul, the 30 count down to ראש השנה Yom HaDin upon the Brit has begun. What stands in the scales of judgement? The measure that Jews live their lives apart and independent from Goyim. Not economically but rather culturally. Jews compare to a drop of rain which falls into a pond of water. What happens to that drop? Does it maintain its cultural identity or does it assimilate to the rest of the water. So too the Jewish people throughout the generations.


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 28, 2022

        oh dear, it’s back with more baseless nonsense


      • The Pink Agendist
        August 28, 2022

        I’m still trying to understand the goal?


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 28, 2022

        Yep, me too. I am going to guess that this idiot is desperate for an audience. He can post again, and I’ll just let the nitwit swing in the breeze.


      • The Pink Agendist
        August 28, 2022

        But why? This is all very specific information not for the general public.


      • mosckerr
        August 28, 2022

        Oh dear, it’s back with noise.


      • mosckerr
        August 18, 2022

        T’NaCH — common law. New Testament — theology. The one shares nothing in common with the other. Hence the church as a reputation for war crimes guilt and has nothing what so ever to do with justice. How come missionaries fail to make mention of this horrible, disgusting, and absolutely vile gospel bad news?


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 20, 2022

        and more nonsense from our failure. Judaism, Chrsiainity, all liars and failures with their vicious, ignorant, and imaginary god.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 20, 2022

        JeZeus the imaginary mythical God. The Torah has no commandment to believe in the Gods. Hence this Israeli being an atheist praise G-d. LOL


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 21, 2022

        and poor mosckerr, still afraid of the letter “o” and still unable to figure out what being an atheist is and still worshipping a god. nothing like watching just another delusional idiot.


      • mosckerr
        August 21, 2022

        Monotheism violates the 2nd commandment of the Torah revelation @ Sinai. Ahhhhh what’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? LOL


      • mosckerr
        August 18, 2022

        Poor clubschadenfraud can’t come up with an original idea.


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 20, 2022

        oh dear he’s back again. still nothing to support his claims.


      • mosckerr
        August 20, 2022

        Poor clubschadenfraud, “claims”? What “claims”? Pie in the sky … Pie in your eye. LOL


      • clubschadenfreude
        August 21, 2022

        and here it is again.


      • mosckerr
        August 21, 2022

        Again? What claims? Poor thing … its mind totally blown.


      • The Pink Agendist
        August 18, 2022

        Are you two arguing about something substantive yet?


      • mosckerr
        August 19, 2022

        No not really, unfortunately. We simply trade barbs. I would like it to move on but alas that’s not in my power.


      • mosckerr
        August 22, 2022

        The Jewish debate which pitted Greek rationalism against פרדס common law logic.

        The assimilation to ancient Greek philosophy, commonly known as: rationalism. This debate witnessed the victory of the assimilated rational school over traditional פרדס common law school. The latter system of logic, had defined how to correctly learn T’NaCH, Talmud, and Midrashim, prior to the outbreak of the Rambam Civil War. Billed by later generations as the controversy between Faith vs Reason. This twisted categorization of Common Law vs Roman Statute Law, its complete and total ignorance, effectively blew out the “Chanukkah lights” miracle, across the spectrum of g’lut Jewish communities.

        The Chanukkah Civil War\Revolt, occurred during middle period of the 2nd Republic. Assimilated Tzeddukim רשעים, embraced Greek logic philosophy as true. In 167 BCE, these assimilated traitors from the House of Aaron, attempted to turn Jerusalem into a Greek polis city-state. The Book of the Maccabees compiles the history, which records the defeat of the Tzeddukim rebels.

        The rediscovery of ancient Greek manuscripts, concealed by Church censorship for almost a millennium, a direct consequence of the Muslim invasion of Spain. The rediscovery of forgotten ancient Greek logic, released the bottled genie out of its prison. Once again assimilated Jewish traitors kissed and worshipped the dead idol Gods worshipped by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Rambam’s organization of his halachot into religious subject matter. That Code of statute law, based itself upon ancient Greek rationalism, rather than פרדס Oral Torah middot of logic.

        The latter system of common law, its logic works by and through making precedent comparisons of סוגיות within the T’NaCH to other similar סוגיות. Based upon a shared common denominator of identical middot. This system of common law logic, likewise compares Mishnaic Case/law rulings to other Gemarah halachot, based upon the identicle system of logic. This unique sh’itta/system, it defines the style expressed through Talmudic common law legalism.

        The later commentaries made upon the Yitzchak al-Fasi, the Rif, his halachic code, they compare to the later halachic commentary written by the Rosh. All the later super-commentaries on the B’hag, Rif, Rosh and Rambam codes, they all err, and learn the halachah contained within the B’hag/Rif/Rosh common law codes as statute law. Knowledge of learning common law halachic precedents, by which to understand the language of the Mishnah, all together ceased.

        The public book burnings of the Talmud witnessed the near total collapse of Torah common law scholarship. Assimilated Greek rationalism replaced the common law logic system of “Faith”, which learns the Talmud strictly as common law. Only the Rosh, who witnessed the Paris 1242 burnings, this one last Great Posek held firm to the middot logic system of faith, and rejected the rationalism by which the Rambam code redefined the sh’itta of how to learn the Talmud, which replaced פרדס logic with Greek rationalism.

        The Rosh code, like the B’hag and Rif codes interpreted Gemarah halachot as precedents by which to learn the k’vanna of Mishnaic common law justice. The Rambam, ben Asher, and Karo codes, together with all the later super-commentaries on these codes, they fail to affix Gemarah halachot as precedents to understand the k’vanna of the Mishnah.

        Ben Asher, the son of the Rosh, based his Tur codification upon Greek rationalism rather than the kabbalah taught by his father, which understood Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס common law direction, of how to learn the Written Torah by means of משנה תורה common law precedents. The Karo statute law halachic codes, the Beit Yosef and Shulkah Aruch, they too broke faith with the logic of common law learning. These latter day counterfeit codes of statute religious halachic law, they sealed the cursed fate of g’lut Jewry; thrown off the path walk which Moshe the prophet commands the generations of Israel. His common law Torah compilation: the 4 Books of the Written Torah and 1 Book Oral Torah.


  4. inspiredbythedivine1
    July 5, 2022

    Good news about Mike’s surgery choice. Keep me updated and let me know about any questions you may have.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 5, 2022

      Thank you! We’ve been reading up on the post-op. What were your first couple of months like? Mike says he wants to be in a room by himself to have more autonomy. Is that necessary? Did you have a catheter at home?


      • mosckerr
        August 8, 2022

        We had rockets fired from Gaza in Beer Sheva day and night today. Beer Sheva its approximately 50 miles from Gaza. That’s a pretty big rocket. In the last conflict where these dune coons revolt one of their rockets blew a 20 foot hole into the side of an all cement house.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 8, 2022

        Yesterday was the 9th of Av, a Jewish fast day which commemorates Jewish defeats in wars we lost to enemy armies/nations. The consequence of losing wars for this tiny nation, Jews forced into the status of stateless refugee populations. Refugees living in foreign lands have no rights. The last g’lut/exile of my people culminated after 2000+ years in the Holocaust/Shoah of European Jewry.

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 8, 2022

        Thank You for that like.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        August 8, 2022

        I never know if liking might could be interpreted badly? It wasn’t meant badly!

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 8, 2022

        It seems supportive to me.


      • The Pink Agendist
        August 8, 2022


        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 9, 2022

        Why does clubschadenfreude have such a chip on his shoulder?


  5. Anonymole
    July 5, 2022

    No unbearable heatwave? No deluge? Pithviviers? Looks English, but anything with leeks and brie… Wishing you fair weather.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. john zande
    July 6, 2022

    Just how many languages are spoken around your shed?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 7, 2022

      Regularly, three, occasionally 4. But then there are the Dutch/Ukrainians adding another two 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        July 7, 2022

        Be wild to see an EEG of your brain/s when it’s all flying. I still haven’t even switched mentally to Port.

        Liked by 2 people

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 7, 2022

        I need more and more sleep to calm my brain down 🙂 And now I’m addicted to a weighted blanket which does wonders to calm my mind.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        July 7, 2022

        Oh, I have one of those! From Argentina. Not sure if it’s actually called “weighted” but it’s fat, and heavy, and it came with the name, Jumbo. Swear it’s like ten sheep were just pressed together. Lights off, next thing you know it’s morning. Bed doesn’t even look used 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 7, 2022

        I use a 12kg version full of glass beads. For me it’s been life changing. I can go from 100 thoughts per second to calm very quickly:


      • john zande
        July 7, 2022

        Same principle in wrapping babies really tightly. Makes sense, really.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Bela Johnson
    July 7, 2022

    I grew fava beans last year! Beautiful photo with the flowers. Glad you had fun with your friends. We have partied too much lately as well, and I am on a cleanse right now! 😂

    Sorry, I missed some thing about Mike’s surgery? Hope it goes well. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 8, 2022

      We all deserve a bit of fun after all the covid stress! Mike’s having another little cancer incident but it’s on the way to being fixed 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. acflory
    July 8, 2022

    Sitting here, shivering with the cold as there are electricians in the house and I’ve got the doors and windows open to flush out any covid nasties they may have brought in with them. I’m envious of your summer and visitors but not of the heat waves.
    Give Mike a huge hug from me and give yourself one too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Pink Agendist
      July 8, 2022

      Are you in one of the rainy zones that have been on the news lately? Hugs back 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        July 9, 2022

        No thank god. The floods are all much further north. I think we’re just catching the tail end of it all. I honestly don’t know how the poor bastards in NSW are coping. :/

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 9, 2022

        Frightening. In the South of France it’s fire season and it’s going strong. This year we’re entering the third heatwave so far. Normally there’s just one that lasts about a week. So goodness knows what comes next?

        Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        July 9, 2022

        Ugh. Are you affected in Mazamet? And how are you coping with the heat? You’ve never mentioned aircon. I know your house probably keeps cool for a very long time, but it must warm up eventually?

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 9, 2022

        We go out of our way to work with nature. A week before heatwaves the shutters are closed all day long. The highest indoor temp we’ve faced so far is 25C. The coldest is 12C.

        Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        July 9, 2022

        Wow…that’s amazing, Pinky. When I was a kid, we used to live in an old double brick Federation Edwardian house with high peaked roofs and massive verandahs, but no insulation. The house would stay cool inside for days, but eventually all that brickwork would soak up the heat and radiate it inside. Luckily we didn’t have many heat waves back then.
        Are you tempted to put in a pool like the one you had in Sotogrande?

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Pink Agendist
        July 9, 2022

        YES! And also air-conditioning and we could recreate those tableaus with people fanning other people with palm fronds – the impediment is Mike.

        Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        July 10, 2022

        Mike doesn’t want palm fronds? Tsk tsk. I guess a toga is out of the question too? -runs-

        Liked by 1 person

      • mosckerr
        August 4, 2022

        The rain falls in the wrong places. The Great Lakes and Colorado river suffer a tremendous drought.


  9. redline
    July 8, 2022

    Done follow,, pliase follback


  10. Ben Berwick
    August 13, 2022

    Sounds lovely – and looks beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Judi Castille
    August 29, 2022

    Very good luck for the surgery.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. 55wineandspirts
    October 1, 2022

    “Hendrick’s Neptunia is a limited release gin that captures the magic of the sea that is infused with an exquisite blend of coastal botanicals and a smooth citrus finish. Master Distiller Ms. Lesley Gracie’s creation is as refreshing as her muse, the mighty waves that lash the Ayrshire coast. It is sublime with tonic and slice of cucumber or perhaps in a Neptunia Fizz garnished with thinly sliced rounds of cucumber.

    Liked by 1 person

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