My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho



27 comments on “Hilarious

  1. Dwight Doskey
    October 18, 2016

    I haven’t seen one of these, and would have loved to be the first to have spotted one. Remarkable election season–I see fewer campaign signs than ever before. Trump has managed to discourage so many from participating in the process.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. silenceofmind
    October 18, 2016

    For something to be fun, it must contain a grain of truth.

    People who think such rot gut stupidity is funny have a real problem.

    And it is THE Donald and his movement who are trying to fix the problem.


    • agrudzinsky
      October 18, 2016

      His hands are too small for that, and his ego is too big. So far I have not heard a single solid policy proposal from his mouth. Just “crooked hillary blah blah…”, “the wall blah blah…”. His recent Twitter stream is just a bunch of attacks. I don’t expect much from him as a president except blame speeches about Muslims, Mexicans, crooked someone, China and Japan manipulating blah blah…

      Tell me, how exactly he proposes to prevent China from manipulating their currency? Is he going to be the president of China?

      Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        October 18, 2016


        If you haven’t heard THE Donald explain his policies I recommend actually listening to him speak, rather than listen to what his leftist opponents have to say about him.

        During the 2nd debate he explained specifically his policy on the economy, for example.


      • agrudzinsky
        October 19, 2016

        Do you have a link to the specific part of the video you refer to?


    • clubschadenfreude
      October 19, 2016

      ah, yes, the problems that Trump claims exist and has yet to show. And hmmm, what did Trump say at the second debate about the economy? Happily we can see:

      Trump claimed we had an $800 billion trade deficit. It’s actually about half that.

      Trump claimed that the ACA subsidies would be the largest line item in the budget. That isn’t true either, not now and not in the future. Social security, defense, medicare, Medicaid, etc are among the highest.

      Trump claimed that there was no economic growth in the US. Alas, for ol’ Donny, the rate of growth has been around 1.5-2.5 percent.

      Trump claimed that the US was one of the highest taxed countries in the world. Again, that’s wrong. He also claims that he’ll be able to lower taxes. It seems he thinks he gets a magic wand if he would become president.

      Trump claims that we’ll go back to using coal and that’ll magically improve the economy. Energy companies, who own resources of many kinds, are already moving away from coal. The mines in places like western PA where I grew up, are not going to open again.

      Now, SOM, what were Trump’s policies from this debate? And how do such policies work when Trump is lying about the very basic facts around them?

      Liked by 3 people

    • agrudzinsky
      October 19, 2016

      SOM, the debate made me feel like I’m wading in a pool of shit. It was disgusting, from all sides. Given what they talked about, looking at Bill sitting next to Chelsea and at Melania next to Ivanka was awkward and embarrassing. But I did my due diligence and listened through a half of his speech on economy in New York and then, to cut through the rhetoric, I read this

      So, there are 3 key proposals:
      1) lower the taxes assuming the businesses will rush investing in the U.S. boosting the GDP.
      2) get rid of regulations such as the ban on oil drilling on federal lands assuming the oil companies will rush developing oil in currently protected wildlife refuges and coal companies will rush digging coal.
      3) sue China for manipulating currency and if they keep doing it, impose tariffs on Chinese imports.

      1) is sure to drop the tax revenue by at least $5.9 trln. whereas the GDP growth is not as sure.
      2) will sure hurt the environment and inhibit investment in clean energy technologies while, again, the promised economic growth is dubious. Oil is not at $110 per barrel anymore, you know. Russian oil production is at all-time high, but Russian economy is in the toilet.
      3) tariff wars, if anything, will boost prices for consumer goods. Who wins? Nobody. Not even Trump.

      So, there are a few obvious negative immediate impacts on tax revenue and quality of life with a slim hope that they will be counterbalanced by the economic growth. Do you buy into this? Here is more in depth from WSJ

      I am not Clinton’s fan at all. But Trump seems like a total disaster. Dubious economic proposals topped with xenophobia, racism, and misogyny. I truly hope Trumpty-Dumpty will have a great fall on November 8. And then we can get to the business of impeaching Clinton.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. john zande
    October 18, 2016

    Translation? (Or am I missing something)


  4. Scottie
    October 18, 2016

    I like it. I agree with it. Trump is not for solving the problem, instead he is creating far more problems. You can not win over people by marginalizing them, insulting them, place them in a less than others position. We proved that in East Berlin. We from the west went over there all the time. The people saw us, saw what we have, and they wanted it. They took their own system apart because they wanted what they saw we had. That is how you win over a people. Help them, be kind, make them feel good about you, themselves, their place in your community. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • silenceofmind
      October 18, 2016


      THE Donald’s immigration policy has been a matter of settled US law for decades and decades.

      It is the left and its brainless, thoughtless drones whose policies on everything are wreaking havoc nearly every society in the world.


      • Scottie
        October 18, 2016

        Sorry you think your so impressive and the most intelligent man (?) on the Earth, but you are wrong. I know what I am talking about because I lived it, I learned it in the military. The policy was to keep as many of our people going to the east as possible. Bus loads went daily. I was in an intelligence unit so I could only go rarely and always with others. Stupid really as we were the only unit that had to take off our unit pins so the “enemy” wouldn’t target us. We all figured it made us easier to spot. The point is way back in the 1980’s the government knew what it took to entice people to our way of thinking. Sorry to hurt your feelings. Hugs


      • silenceofmind
        October 18, 2016


        What I think of myself is irrelevant.

        What is relevant is that people like you don’t think at all, about anything.

        You’re a mindless drone who pukes out leftist propaganda as commanded by your handlers.


  5. Scottie
    October 18, 2016

    @SOM— your a troll and not worth my time. Bugger off. Arm length hugs


  6. Diane G.
    October 19, 2016

    Fun billboard. 🙂

    Of course, to be true to the Arabic script, the right side of the sentence should have read, “qmuɿT blɒnoᗡ.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • How in the world did you come up with that? I love it! 🙂


      • Diane G.
        October 21, 2016

        🙂 Turns out you can Google just about anything…(then cut and paste).

        (Now, don’t feel stupid…:D)


      • darthtimon
        October 23, 2016

        I have to ask, why do you keep SOM around? Is he like a pet or something?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t block or ban anyone. I feel people professing the sort of ideas he puts out there work to the advantage of their opponents.
        For example, I’m sure a whole lot of men will have reconsidered using the word pu–y after Donald Trump did it.


      • darthtimon
        October 23, 2016

        Good point. Just remember – pets need food and water.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. docatheist
    October 23, 2016

    I liked everything here except SOM’s somnolent attacks. Please block him/her/it.

    Liked by 1 person

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