My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 – The Washington Post



On soap opera set, the GOP nominee bragged about groping and trying to have sex with women.

Source: Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 – The Washington Post

Reagan: “Tear down that wall!”

Kennedy: “Ask not what your county can do for you.”

Trump: “Grab them by the pussy!”

78 comments on “Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 – The Washington Post

  1. metan
    October 7, 2016

    Being Australian I don’t really understand how the US political system works (or the need for the incredibly long election process inflicted on them!), but I’m still beyond amazed that the Republican Party felt the best candidate they could offer was Trump.

    Surely there would be someone less horrible on that side of the divide who could make it a competition between people to vote FOR rather than making it a choice of who to vote against…

    Liked by 2 people

    • john zande
      October 8, 2016

      They thought $arah Palin was good, remember.

      Liked by 1 person

      • metan
        October 8, 2016

        😀 you’re right!

        Another reason to hate him, he’s managed to make her look good. No matter how ‘crazy person’ she seemed, she appeared to be doing what she thought was the best for the country, he just looks like nothing more than a gigantic egomaniac aiming for the top of the power pile!

        What’s the bet he has a camera crew following him around at all times documenting (what he believes to be) his rise to the top for a future tv series! The campaign is already a bit like a soap opera, crossing my fingers for a last minute twist, where the character of Trump is replaced by a younger, slimmer, more attractive version… oh wait, that’s what he does to wives isn’t it!? 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    • agrudzinsky
      October 8, 2016

      I think, this is the exact reason why Trump is popular. He is simply shocking. Everything he says or does spreads shockwaves like a huge dump into a cesspool. I can see how these exact things appeal to his target audience – white uneducated males.

      Liked by 1 person

      • metan
        October 8, 2016

        He really is a clickbait candidate isn’t he? Nothing but headlines, with zero substance behind them. Of course everyone wants more jobs, more money and better everything, but my bullshit detector goes off every time he opens his mouth and says that’s what he will bring.

        If only it was as easy as he thinks to keep every group happy when you’re in charge! So far his success in life seems to have been based on the fact that he can fire those who don’t agree with him, hope he realises running a country takes a whole different mindset.

        Liked by 3 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 9, 2016


        Here is Barack Obama being “simply shocking:”

        “Gotta have them ribs and pussy too.”


      • agrudzinsky
        October 9, 2016

        OK. I don’t completely understand what he says – it’s out of context, but he seems to be telling a joke that has a word “pussy” in it in front of a large audience. Does it make him a sexual predator? You must have worked hard to find this one. Usually, he is shown in videos holding umbrellas over women exiting a helicopter in a rain or kissing his wife.


      • appletonavenue
        October 10, 2016

        He’s not being shocking. He’s reading from a damn book. Those aren’t his words but those of the author. It’s got nothing to do with this subject.


  2. Esme upon the Cloud
    October 7, 2016

    By the Gods he’s such a prince isn’t he?

    – esme agog as ever on this subject upon the Cloud

    Liked by 3 people

  3. acflory
    October 7, 2016

    I’ve always like the word ‘buffoon’, and now I finally have a use for it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. dpmonahan
    October 8, 2016

    OMG! Who does he think he is, Bill Clinton?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Is that an attempt at two wrongs make a right?


      • dpmonahan
        October 8, 2016

        I’m just amused that the Democrats are feigning outrage about this.


      • That’s not fair. I’m sure there are a whole lot of people across the board who thought Bill Clinton behaved terribly.

        Liked by 1 person

      • dpmonahan
        October 8, 2016

        Then they shouldn’t go out and vote for the woman who systematically attacked the reputations of women who accused her husband of sexual assault.
        If Trumps words are a reason not to vote for him, a fortiori Hillary Clinton’s actions are a reason not to vote for her.


      • dpmonahan
        October 8, 2016

        And just to be clear: I am not condoning or excusing Trump. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of Democrats attacking him. It is equally hypocritical for Republicans to defend him while criticizing Bill Clinton.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. silenceofmind
    October 8, 2016

    Bill Clinton:

    “Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have.”

    Hillary Clinton:

    “What difference does it make?!”


    • john zande
      October 8, 2016

      So, you’re defending this sexual predator?

      Liked by 2 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016

        Bill Clinton,

        “Everybody does it.”


      • john zande
        October 8, 2016

        So, you’re defending a sexual predator, Donald J. Trump?

        Liked by 2 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016


        Hillary Clinton:

        “What difference does it make?”


      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016

        Apparently, Bill and Hillary are defending THE Donald.


    • clubschadenfreude
      October 8, 2016

      Of course SOM is defending a sexual predator, whilst showing how excellent of a TrueChristian he is. I am glad to see that SOM is still insisting how great Trump is. His actions have shown other Christians who have tried to defend SOM to be also wrong and quite hypocritical.


    • agrudzinsky
      October 8, 2016

      SOM, I’m curious. Do you support Trump just because Hillary is crooked (I can understand this) or do you actually support any of his policies? I’m not a Democrat and I’m not anti-republican. I would support a Republican candidate if he is a decent man, does not lie, and offers sensible policies. I can reluctantly put up with the lack of the first two qualities. But I can’t stand behind anything that Trump suggests – deporting all immigrants, building a wall (that’s just demagoguery), shutting of borders for Muslims (racist and inhumane, like sending a ship with 900 Jewish refugees back to Europe in 1939), renegotiating trade agreements (that’s another Brexit isolationist policy), letting tax-exempt religious organizations into politics (we know what religion-based politics are), withdrawing support for NATO (seems like he is going to fend Russians and terrorists alone). I can’t come up with a single Trump policy that I would support. Can you tell me without referring how bad Hillary is, what of Trump’s proposed policies is going to “make America great” as he claims?

      Liked by 3 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 9, 2016


        I support THE Donald because of his policies.

        Clearly, after 8 years of the disastrous Obama regime, 4 more years of the same thing with Hillary would leave the United States and world in shambles.

        The US, like Europe, needs to regulate its borders or cease to exist as an of heir of Western Civilization.

        Also, the United States became a hyper power because it’s people were allowed to create wealth in a free market economy.

        Hillary is a socialist globalist and would continue the same ruinous anti-American economic policies of wealth and employment destruction implemented by the Obama regime.

        Lastly, THE Donald loves America.

        Hillary and the Democrat Party hate America as it was founded and are actively trying to destroy it.

        For people who love life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the only choice is THE Donald.


      • agrudzinsky
        October 9, 2016

        Why do you call Obama’s presidency “disastrous”? Any numbers? Here is what I found National debt numbers, perhaps. But, overall, I don’t feel that this country is in crisis.

        Liked by 1 person

      • agrudzinsky
        October 10, 2016

        How is Trump going to regulate the borders? Do you think it’s practical or effective to build the wall or deport 11 mln people who do a good job picking crops, mowing lawns, and cleaning rooms.

        Globalism is a direct consequence of the free market, is it not? It allows US companies freely sell products across the world, move production to regions with cheaper production cost, and save on domestic taxes. Sure, “renegotiating” the free-trade agreements will move US car production to the US, but the cars will become more expensive, and the markets to sell them will shrink, effectively killing both the jobs and the corporate profits.

        I work for a fabless semiconductor company employing about 100 people in the US and giving jobs to quite a few subcontractors. But production is in Taiwan. If it were not, there is no way we could compete with Chinese manufacturers. It’s very short-sighted to view globalism as evil.

        Trump plays on emotions of uneducated Joe Doe who believes that a Mexican who doesn’t speak English is taking his job (I feel really sorry for Joe) or that his job is exported to China.

        Still, why exactly is Obama “regime” is “disastrous” and what exact Trump policies would benefit the US? BTW, I’ve heard, he backed off from his plan to deport all immigrants.

        Liked by 1 person

      • appletonavenue
        October 10, 2016

        SOM you didn’t answer the question: Which Trump policies do you support?


    • agrudzinsky
      October 11, 2016

      SOM, how come that Trump is spreading Russian disinformation within hours of its release? Doesn’t this bother you?


  6. agrudzinsky
    October 8, 2016

    WP publishes a video credibly showing Donald Trump himself.

    The Daily Mail article (a respectable and reliable source of information, apparently) is about Bill, not Hillary. Bill’s behavior is detestable, no question about it. But I don’t see what it implies about Hillary.

    So, are you defending Trump’s behavior shown in the video? (It’s a “yes-no” question.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • silenceofmind
      October 8, 2016


      Bill Clinton who served two terms as President of the United States was a proven sexual predator.

      He was impeached for lying under oath about his sexual predation while President.

      He looked the American people in the eye, shook his big long finger at them and lied right to our face, saying:

      “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky…”

      And Hillary manned a squad of attack dogs which included gun for hire, James Carville and Democrat Party hack, George Stephanopoulos who went after, threatened and tried to ruin, Bill Clinton’s accusers.

      Hillary enabled, supported and protected her husband, Bill Clinton in his sexual predation.

      You people on the left are shameless hypocrites.

      Me pointing that out is in no way a defense of THE Donald whose behavior in this case is indefensible.

      But if you folks can support proven psychotic predators like Hillary and her husband Bill, then anything anyone else says 15 years ago in a supposedly private moment should be insignificant.

      Why do you folks never hold your own people to the same moral standards as you demand of others?

      Answer: because you’re a bunch of hypocrites.


      • This should not be made into a left vs. right issue. I imagine most decent people can agree that Bill Clinton’s behaviour was appalling (and also that people who get cheated on aren’t responsible for the cheating. And also that Donald’s behaviour was/is appalling.
        Excusing either is reprehensible.

        Liked by 4 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016

        Mr. Merveilleux.

        That is simply not true.

        Leftists like you supported and defended Bill Clintons sexual predation at every turn by saying,

        “Everyone does it. Stay out of his personal business. What difference does it make?”

        Bill Clinton’s proven criminal behavior was tolerated and supported by people like you.

        And yet, what law has THE Donald broken?

        It is no surprise that you can’t see the rank, stinking hypocrisy presented in this, your own blog post.


      • appletonavenue
        October 10, 2016

        He was never convicted of any “sexual predation.” It seems to me Monica was a willing partner, not a victim.

        Liked by 1 person

      • agrudzinsky
        October 8, 2016

        I’m not going to defend the Clintons. But this video says exactly what you say. “Take the plank out if your own eye, you hypocrite”. They both should just shut up on this topic and focus on their policies. There are plenty great presidents with sexual morality issues. What’s more disturbing here is the degrading lewd language he uses towards people. I don’t recall Clinton speaking of women in such way.

        Liked by 3 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 9, 2016


        The planks in the Clinton’s eyes are against the law.

        The sliver in THE Donald’s is a legal ZERO-zilla.

        One of the remarkable attributes of the left is there inability to make correct, rational moral judgements.

        There is no comparison between what THE Donald said over 15 years ago and what the Clintons have actually been doing for the last 30 years.


    • silenceofmind
      October 8, 2016


      Here is a video of THE Donald owning up to his remarks.

      Notice the difference between THE Donald’s honesty and Hillary’s decades long campaign of deceit.

      Liked by 1 person

      • clubschadenfreude
        October 8, 2016

        what differences, SOM? Please do elaborate.


      • agrudzinsky
        October 8, 2016

        Unfortunately, the WP video does show who Trump is. This apology is an exception of the long row of insults that Trump has been throwing all along his campaign. It’s funny to watch his denials side-by-side with the videos of these insults.

        Liked by 1 person

      • agrudzinsky
        October 8, 2016

        Trump and Pence seem to have a weird form of amnesia. They forget stuff they say immediately.


      • agrudzinsky
        October 8, 2016

        He takes back his own words and decisions all the time as soon as he senses they may hurt his popularity.


      • I’m starting to think SOM is a bored college student. Or at least one of those 400 pound hackers Trump mentioned.

        Liked by 1 person

      • agrudzinsky
        October 8, 2016

        I wouldn’t make assumptions. I remember my experience in some atheist forum where people assumed I’m an 11-year-old boy from a Bible Belt state who believes in YEC simply because I expressed doubt in their claim that every belief needs evidence.

        Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        October 9, 2016


        Your blind bias has obviously blinded you to the Hillary campaign which is based on character assassination, pandering and just plain bald faced lying.


      • appletonavenue
        October 10, 2016

        This is NOT an apology. There is not an ounce of sincerity in this man.


  7. Ruth
    October 8, 2016

    It’s just guy talk. Unfortunately for the rednecks who defend it, that is exactly what they think guy talk is. They feel completely entitled because women are objects, not human beings. The ones I can’t get my head around are the women who defend this behavior.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Let’s hope it’s one of those moments where people across the board can agree it’s unacceptable and a whole generation can try to do better.

      Liked by 2 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016

        Mr. Merveilleux,

        You are kidding, right?

        This is your own post about a lewd comment THE Donald made over 15 years ago.

        Here is what you posted:

        Reagan: “Tear down that wall!”

        Kennedy: “Ask not what your county can do for you.”

        Trump: “Grab them by the pussy!”

        That is a lewd, crude, FAIL-zilla of a joke, Mr. Merveilleux.

        You’re a self-righteous, leftist hypocrite Mr. Merveilleux, proven by none other than you, yourself.


      • That’s a Donald quote, not a line of my creation.

        Liked by 2 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 9, 2016

        Mr. Merveilleux,

        You are responsible for what you post in your own blog, ne c’est pas?


    • silenceofmind
      October 8, 2016


      When Democrat President Lyndon Johnson said:

      “I’ll have the niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years,”

      was it just “guy talk?”

      When former Democrat President Bill Clinton sexually harassed one of his interns, Monica Lewinsky and lied about it and when he said,

      “Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have,”

      was it just a “guy talk.”

      You people are shameless hypocrites.

      You people who religiously and fanatically support proven psychotic sexual predators (Bill and Hillary Clinton) should at least have the decency to shut your fecally encrusted pie holes when you feel like passing your toilet throne judgement on others.


      • Say whatever you like but try to leave vulgarity out. Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ruth
        October 8, 2016

        And right on cue. A guilty dog barks, SOM.

        You have no idea who I support. I disavow any and all of the above language by former presidents. However, Hillary Clinton is not the sexual predator here. She may be married to one, but that doesn’t make her a sexual predator. I thought you Catholics didn’t agree with divorce, even for adultery. Bill’s words come from his lips alone and he alone is responsible for them.

        Furthermore, you and I both know that the racists who were the oppressive arm of the Democratic Party have switched parties because the Democratic Party no longer matches their ideals. David Duke is a prime example. They haven’t changed their minds, only their political affilliation.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I undersign Ruth’s comment.

        Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016


        Referring to me as a “guilty barking dog,” proves my point about your own blind hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.

        How can you claim to be a feminist and an advocate of social justice when you refer to someone who disagrees with you as a “guilty barking dog?”

        You are either hopelessly stupid, or you are a leftist.

        Leftists never apply the same standards they demand of others, to themselves.


      • Ruth
        October 8, 2016

        Am I wrong about you being guilty of the same lewd talk?

        I seem to remember you having some very lewd things to say to me over on Violet Wisp’s.

        I’m not calling you a guilty dog because you disagree with me. I’m calling you a guilty dog because I’m personally aware of your use of such language.

        If the shoe fits…

        Liked by 1 person

      • agrudzinsky
        October 8, 2016

        Is there a video of Bill saying “Hillary had eaten more pussy than I have” or do you just accept the Flowers’ quote from Daily Mail on faith?

        Liked by 2 people

      • clubschadenfreude
        October 8, 2016

        the US military is not “mostly of rednecks”, though there are a lot of them in there. Rednecks here defined as ignorant, white, rural men and women aka quite a few of my relatives. The military is made up of lots and lots of other people, from men and women who aren’t yet citizens to folks who come from cities and towns, and plenty of people of other ethnicities and beliefs, including non-Christians and non-SOM version’s of Christianity. What we do know is that SOM never served and is typically ignorant of the military, as he is of most topics.

        as per your bible, SOM, this god of yours does not “smile” upon people who repeatedly break its rules like you and Mr. Trump. You’ve made up one more version of Christianity, again showing that your claims of morality are nonsense.

        It’s quite hilarious that you choose to ignore an apology because you don’t think it was offered correctly. Do you understand that your candidate, Trump, can be seen as doing the same thing and should be ignored also?


      • silenceofmind
        October 9, 2016


        Even if there was a video of Bill saying, “Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have,” you’d still find a way to excuse Bill and completely disregard the video along with all the other proof that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator who is aided and abetted by Hillary Clinton.


      • agrudzinsky
        October 9, 2016

        I don’t deny that Bill is a sexual predator and a liar. I just don’t see it as an excuse for Trump’s behavior. I also like to verify sources of information, and a tabloid publishing that Flowers allegedly said that Bill allegedly said that Hillary is bisexual makes me roll my eyes. Besides, this is more than I care to know.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. If you like repost and I’ll delete the first one 😀


  9. Ruth
    October 8, 2016

    “What red blooded man hasn’t made comments like this and don’t lie about it cause Jesus knows what you said to your buddies. He is just a regular guy. “

    Just one comment among many in my Facebook news feed defending this b.s.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ruth
      October 8, 2016

      No wonder Jesus wept.

      Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016

        Yeah, Ruth…

        Jesus wept for sinners like THE Donald and guilty, barking dogs like me.

        But how can God not smile upon the face of one such as you…

        …Saint Ruth the Pious.


      • Ruth
        October 8, 2016

        You really are funny, SOM.

        I never said I haven’t done things I regret. I have no expectation of any god smiling upon me.

        I don’t defend my misdeeds. If I’m wrong I’m wrong. I aplogize and I try to make amends with the person I have wronged. That’s what us godless heathens do, because we have no sky daddy to tell us it’s all going to be okay no matter how ugly and rude we are.

        Are you offering some defense for the objectification of women other than, “That’s what guys do,” “Other guys have said that and worse,” or “Thank God I’m not as bad as the tax collector?”

        Deflection is not a defense. All I have left is personal responsibility, for I have no scapegoat.

        I aplogize for calling you a redneck.

        Liked by 4 people

      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016


        The reason people like you apologize is to make yourself feel better.

        Therefore, I cannot respond to your apology simply since it wasn’t addressed to me.


      • silenceofmind
        October 8, 2016


        You didn’t call me a red neck, which is a complement by the way.

        American red necks make up the bulk of our armed forces and they have stricken fear into and have driven fleeing foreign aggressors before them, for centuries, since the Revolutionary War, in fact.

        You called me a guilty, barking dog.

        And with that you proved again that you are a feckless hypocrite.


      • Ruth
        October 8, 2016

        I what way am I a hypocrite? You have admitted to such lewd behavior, I have witnessed your lewd behavior, and you continue to defend such lewd behavior.

        In what conversation have I behaved in a lewd manner?

        Hypocrisy is calling out someone else while engaging in the same behavior. When have I endorsed, condoned, or participated in any such thing?

        Are you suggesting that if I have ever done anything wrong that I have no right to call anything *else* wrong? If that’s the case, no one should ever say a bad thing about Hillary Clinton again.

        Liked by 4 people

  10. Helen Devries
    October 9, 2016

    I have a feeling that the sort of bimbos and rather more upmarket courtiers met by Trump and his kind might lead said kind to believe that what they say is true.
    In my small corner I have seen women – professionally able and acknowledged as such – act like courtesans in the presence of men with power.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. acflory
    October 9, 2016

    @ SoM and the video clip of a young Barack Obama READING FROM A BOOK and doing a terrible job of acting out the part of an uneducated person of colour [as per the stereotypes so beloved of last century].

    Did you not notice what Obama was doing? Or were you attempting to prove that people with an axe to grind deliberately take things out of context to validate their own position?

    Liked by 3 people

    • silenceofmind
      October 9, 2016


      What I noticed was Barack Obama getting away with something that THE Donald or any other GOP political candidate could get away with.

      A university president was even fired for using the word “niggardly” even though it has absolutely nothing to do with race.


      • acflory
        October 9, 2016

        I’m aware of that SoM, but this is a prime example of something taken out of context and used as a club. I don’t care what anyone’s political affiliation may be but I do have a great respect for the truth, and the example you provided was not the truth. Seriously…did you not notice what that video clip was about? You’re an intelligent man. Did you not notice or did you not care?

        Liked by 3 people

      • agrudzinsky
        October 10, 2016

        I can use the word “sugar” in a way that will get me fired on the spot.


  12. acflory
    October 10, 2016

    @ agrudzinsky I’m not American so I can’t comment about the state of political correctness in the US. All I can do is point out that the /video clip/ in question shows Obama READING. I don’t know what he’s reading but it’s definitely something FROM A BOOK.

    Now, in the interests of truth and…dare I say it…fair play, let me ask this question: if I were to read a passage from the Silence of the Lambs where Lecter talks about eating people, would that make me a cannibal?

    SoM made a boo boo and he is incapable of admitting it. I suspect he was the victim of click bait. ‘Oh, here’s a video of Obama with a potty mouth’. Did he even watch the video?

    I suspect not, because if you do watch it as I did, it’s obvious what’s happening. But SoM can’t admit his mistake so he tries to shift ground. Unfortunately, bringing up examples of political correctness with OTHER people in no way changes the fact that the particular example he used was flawed. Not in a nit picking kind of way, but in a flat out…it’s wrong…kind of way.

    I’m disappointed. Good discussions that stretch the mind are one thing. Flawed polemic is another.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. appletonavenue
    October 10, 2016

    As always, Pink, very interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Esme upon the Cloud
    October 11, 2016

    This is interesting and there’s been not a word of it I’ve read other thahn the following link, and this is bearing in mind that in covering a story, a media outlet is not finding guilt. It is simply reporting the news that a lawsuit has been filed. In the public interest/ I think so yes. Any accusations of rape need to be fully ivestigated.

    – esme reading the news they’ll actually cover and more upon the Cloud


  15. agrudzinsky
    October 11, 2016

    Liked by 1 person

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