My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

This must be their leader! The results of religio-political propaganda: video

So sometimes we’re on wordpress or elsewhere on the internet- we read a post/article (or perhaps a comments section) and we’re flummoxed, right? The disconnect from reality seems too extreme to be plausible. Occasionally we even have to ask ourselves if this isn’t just someone pulling our leg. And I have to admit that when I saw this video, that’s exactly what I thought. That it couldn’t possibly be real; so I’ve waited a few days to post it just to make sure. As of yet there have been no accusations it was staged.

It does give us a peek into what happens to the minds of people who are constantly exposed (or expose themselves) to dog-whistling propaganda. What we see is disturbing, but not a surprise, she’s simply expressing what we normally see her crowd express in a slightly less aggressive manner (btw, the two guys in the video happen to be Brazilian, not Muslim! Although of course, if they were Muslim, the video would be equally absurd & offensive):

44 comments on “This must be their leader! The results of religio-political propaganda: video

  1. acflory
    December 27, 2015

    If the video is for real, this woman needs psychiatric help, right now. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 27, 2015

      Interestingly, it seems outrageous to us because she’s so full on, but in reality her message is just the paraphrasing of the message of a number of republican presidential candidates and conservative websites…

      Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        December 27, 2015

        Come’on, Pink… She’s voting Bernie Sanders, and you know it!

        Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        December 28, 2015

        Ugh…that’s almost worse. Trading on ignorance is the lowest of the low. 😦


  2. inspiredbythedivine1
    December 27, 2015

    I’ve saw this a few days ago. Truly amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • makagutu
      December 27, 2015

      That was my thought too, pretty amazing! How does she live with herself?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 27, 2015

        Careful, I hear Jesus also told her to shoot Koalas! 😀


      • makagutu
        December 27, 2015

        I am almost sure if she was given a map, she wouldn’t locate Australia. I am safe with her


      • Cara
        December 27, 2015

        If she was given a map, she couldn’t locate the next town over from where she lives. You need to know how to read to read a map.


      • makagutu
        December 27, 2015

        I was being generous. She looks the type to forget which is her right hand and which left

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cara
        December 27, 2015



  3. john zande
    December 27, 2015


    Give her a microphone. Let her talk. That right there is a beautiful advert for why you should jettison religion.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 27, 2015

      But Jesus spoke to her and told her “middle-easterns” were terrorists, even if they were the Brazilian variety of “middle-easterns”!

      Liked by 2 people

      • john zande
        December 27, 2015

        I had to catch my eyebrows as they flew off my forehead when I heard that! The woman’s a genius, and she’s discovered our deep secret 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Quixie
        December 27, 2015

        Maybe she meant the middle/east of South America?


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 27, 2015

        Technically, that would in fact be Brazil 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Quixie
        December 27, 2015

        See, she was wasn’t as idiotic as she appeared!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. tildeb
    December 27, 2015

    I don’t know what that was all about. But living in the refuse-filled and messy clutter of her mind is demonstrated outwardly… by the refuse-filled and messy interior of her truck. Jesus and the bible is just part of the pile.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 27, 2015

      … but explain to me how someone like that functions in civilized society? How do they get a driver’s license if the DMV attendant happens to be of a darker complexion?


      • clubschadenfreude
        December 27, 2015

        they swallow their hate for a few minutes and then spew it out even more after they are out of the DMV.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Cara
    December 27, 2015

    She knows those two are homosexuals who “fuck each other’s asses”? Has she been peeking in their window, and if so, why does she want to watch two men do that, what does it say about her? She knows they’re “pedophilers” (that’s not even a real word, here in civilized America, we say “pedophiles”, or “Catholic priests”), how come she’s seen them perform acts with minor children and she hasn’t reported it to the authorities? Does she condone pedophilia?

    They’re not homosexual (that I know of), they’re not pedophiles. They’re two brown gentlemen and this redneck woman has decided that all brown people are terrorists, are gay, are pedophiles. The fact that she can’t speak standard American English makes her look the idiot she must be. I suspect she’s a product of the Louisiana state public school system (Louisiana has the worst public school system in the country). But while this woman is an idiot and a bigot, the first amendment protects her right to say what she says. Freedom of speech, it doesn’t protect speech I like, it protects speech I don’t like. Not that I would deprive her of the right to put the two brown gentlemen “on Facebook”, and to scream about it all afternoon, because, well, I’m bored and I need a fool to entertain me.

    Liked by 3 people

    • tildeb
      December 27, 2015

      She knows they’re “pedophilers” (that’s not even a real word, here in civilized America, we say “pedophiles”, or “Catholic priests”)…

      I wish I had said that and have every intention of using it later with or without your permission. It’s just too good… and funny.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tildeb
        December 27, 2015

        Oops, forgot to close the tag after Carmen’s quote.


      • Cara
        December 27, 2015

        Use it


    • Quixie
      December 27, 2015

      Nope, she’s definitely from Florida (did you see her license plate?) Having lived all over Florida I can say this kind of person is pretty common there (usually in the non-metro areas).


      • Cara
        December 27, 2015

        I saw the Florida plate, and you may be right. She may be from Florida, but I suspect she’s really an escaped mental patient.


      • Quixie
        December 27, 2015

        Most “mental patients” are not racist, homophobic, or idiotic like this woman. It’s not cool to equate people with mental illnesses to this kind of person.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cara
        December 27, 2015

        You’re right, I should not have done that. I apologize.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Quixie
        December 27, 2015

        No worries. Not against you personally, just don’t want to add to the mental illness stigma. I guess the point is that this women is unbelievable and the fact that there are lot of people out there like her is terrifying!


      • Cara
        December 27, 2015

        I also don’t want to stigmatize mental illness.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cara
        December 27, 2015

        What I meant (at the risk of putting foot further into mouth) is that it’s a sick mind that harbors the ideas that all the brown people must be terrorists, gays, pedophiles. Sick as in irrational. I didn’t mean to equate this woman with those who suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, or any other mental illness, because it’s clearly those who have to deal with her who suffer rather than she herself. But her brand of irrational thinking is a sickness…the words that come out of her, the two gentlemen in this video are laughing at her but really what she’s doing is hate speech. Yeah the first amendment allows her to do it, but it doesn’t make it right. It makes it a fucking tragedy for her children (if she has children) because they’re going to grow up listening to her and thinking she’s the be all and the end all.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Quixie
        December 27, 2015

        I totally agree. Well said!


      • tildeb
        December 27, 2015

        Yes, I agree with Q that your explanation is good but seriously, you shouldn’t have to accompany every use of the term ‘crazy’ with such an explanation… to any9ne who reads your comments. Your explanation is presumed because you are not targeting your criticism at all those with mental health dysfunction but at this one person who clearly demonstrates irrational behaviour and reasoning. And such irrational behaviour and reasoning demonstrated by this person DESERVES stigmatizing. That’s the whole point behind posting the video!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 27, 2015

        I’m glad you saved me the trouble of saying that myself. I’ve suffered from depression and I don’t feel stigmatized by anyone saying that woman is disturbed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Quixie
        December 27, 2015

        Hmm. I didn’t demand Cara give an explanation but I did appreciate it. I think its good to make a distinction between this woman’s irrational behavior from prejudice and those who act irrationally due to mental illness.

        Liked by 1 person

      • tildeb
        December 27, 2015

        But why on earth would you presume that someone like Cara might think so? I think – and maybe I’m alone in this – that presuming she might is rather insulting to Cara because it shows that you’re not sure, that you harbour significant doubts about her intentions. Yet she has given no indication of vilifying all those with various mental and emotional dysfunctions in all the comments of hers I’ve read. But look at her effort to clear her name, so to speak, and profess her innocent intentions to you in order to avoid the charge against her that you rather flippantly laid.

        I have no doubt I’ll get flack for saying so but, to my way of thinking, the person who has laid the accusation and suggested that others tow the politically correct line is the one who owes the other an apology here because that’s not just a ‘micro-aggression’ you’ve committed (questioning her intentions without cause) but a demand for others to meet your expectations of what you consider politically correct and what you consider the appropriate level of sensitivity… no matter how reasonable or unreasonable your notions may be. At the very least, I think your charge is rather rude and unjustified. But, as is typical, Cara answered you with politeness and clarity. I don’t think I could have been nearly as nice.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 27, 2015

        I watch these interactions with great interest. Have you noticed to what degree reactions are about the individual reacting?
        There was a fascinating example the other day on Violetwisps’s discussion on the Ugandan anti-gay law. I made the comment that being a politician (MP) wasn’t a qualification in history. The person I made it to replied “I’ll think on it over some peyote, after chanting over a fire and eating my dead Uncle, as is the custom of my native culture.” – which I found extraordinary. I had no idea who she was or where she came from, she doesn’t use a photograph on her gravatar, nor does she have a public blog, but something in her head clicked and she attributed to me, personally, all sorts of prejudices. Prejudices I wasn’t technically able to have yet developed not knowing anything about her. Yet they informed not only her vision of the world, but how she interpreted what she heard/read.
        Much has been written on perspective bias, but very little on that specific variety.


      • tildeb
        December 28, 2015

        Yes, I have and it is extraordinary to me to what lengths people run with their own creation and assume it to be true. No, I don’t know Cara except through her writing and so it’s on that basis alone I form my opinions about her ideas and the intentions that seem to inform them. Her terminology – like most writers – tends to indicate the intention. Cara’s comments are usually interesting and seem quite reasonable and level-headed to me. Even she had made a comment against the character of some group of people, I would tend to put it down to my interpretation of the terms and not her intentions for their unusual usage… in other words, I try to err on the side of caution.

        I am always surprised at how unusual this approach seems to be duplicated by others… especially when someone assumes that a group identity and the characteristics assigned to that group – say, atheism or gender or whatever – is therefore individually pertinent and, when the person making that assumption is criticized for it, the typical response is to then declare some kind of bigotry at work by the person raising the objection!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 27, 2015

        It is good to differentiate, but not necessary in every case. I use the word crazy often. I’ve also (on occasion) said I believe some people need medical assistance, and to be honest, I do believe that’s the case of the woman in the video. I can’t say what she’s suffering from, but her judgment is compromised. From screaming things out of the window to pulling her car over, to initiating a verbal confrontation with two unknown men, to her incoherent speech patterns- I think there’s more going on than just a bad day 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • inspiredbythedivine1
        December 27, 2015

        Demonic possession?

        Liked by 3 people

  6. Quixie
    December 27, 2015

    Only in Florida ::head shake:: Hopefully this is not the impression most people get when they think of the U.S.! 😦 Horrible.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Clare Flourish
    December 28, 2015

    I have just been like that with Insanitybytes. I quite enjoyed it, actually. I like to think I was more creative: “Beware the sin against the Holy Spirit”, etc. And more truthful. But shouting at people is fun. I watched two people play Oware, and as they did they were flyting each other: “You are really bad at this, see how I take all your stones” etc. We should do this more.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Awe shucks Mr M don’t you recognize a true Merican when you see one?
    This is Merica after all.

    Liked by 1 person

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