My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Thank You, Australia!


I’ve never gotten two of those in a row- and separated by just one comment! The map thingy tells me that in the past 24 hours I’ve had 5 times more readers from Australia than from the second and third countries on the list combined. I guess that means there are people listening.

I’ve always liked Australians- and not just because of the amazing fusion food. I like the straightforward, no nonsense attitude. Probably one of the reasons my blog circle includes Zande, Acflory, Metan, and as of this past week a number of others.

It holds true for my non-internet life as well. One of the first people we met in Mazamet was an Australian journalist who spends time here every summer. He just wandered through the open gates and said “It’s fantastic that there are finally people saving these old houses!”- then he asked to have a look around. Absolutely charming.

I’m feeling quite confident the Australian people don’t need any help at all in confronting and fighting religious extremists like Katy Faust and their bigotry- but I will continue to put information out there just to ensure people can make informed decisions.

67 comments on “Thank You, Australia!

  1. john zande
    August 17, 2015

    I got my mum to watch Q&A tonight (their time). She said she couldn’t watch past 15 minutes. She has recorded it, though. Let me know if you get your hands on the tape of the show.


  2. inspiredbythedivine1
    August 17, 2015

    Except for the Drop Bears, Australia is a great place. Well, that and the fact Katy Faust is there at the moment, but she’ll leave soon and then the only scary thing about Australia WILL be the Drop Bears. Thanks, Mr. Zande, for warning me about them. Your information may have very well have saved my life. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • john zande
      August 17, 2015

      You’re welcome. Now, not sure if this FB/Video link will work, but here is a drop bear after, obviously, a failed attempt to rip this farmers head off in the first attack. As you will notice, they don’t give up easily, which is precisely why there’s so little evidence of their wicked existence

      Liked by 3 people

  3. roughseasinthemed
    August 17, 2015

    I’ve got a soft spot for Aus. I did get married in Sydney after all. I loved their easy-going friendly attitude.

    I wonder how much airtime Katy got on ABC. Isn’t it possible to backwatch on their internet link? I noticed however that there were a lot of questions on their site that Aussies were – rightly – more concerned with. By which I mean the mess their current government is making of everything, and as others have said, most Aussies don’t care about SSM because it is logical and rational. Not to say that challenging anti-gay rhetoric is wrong, but I got the impression that many just thought she wasn’t worth their time. And the ones that did ask questions asked the same things the rest of us do. But it was last week when I looked.

    Maybe she’s whipped up a load of support, courtesy of Neil, since then? Inspired’s board game was clever, was it not?

    Liked by 1 person

    • john zande
      August 17, 2015

      You can in the link below, but this episode isn’t up yet


    • john zande
      August 17, 2015

      Actually, I do’t it was the gay marriage episode tonight. Maybe it was taped?


      • john zande
        August 17, 2015

        Oh, you good thing


      • roughseasinthemed
        August 17, 2015

        Yeah. I’ve just downloaded it. No, Kate, do not waste time on this right now! Maybe before bedtime …


      • john zande
        August 17, 2015

        18 minutes in, it’s awesome


      • inspiredbythedivine1
        August 17, 2015

        Totally awesome! In a sick kinda way. Oh, Katy Faust, how nasty thou art.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        August 17, 2015

        I liked the “Evangelical claptrap” comment

        Liked by 2 people

      • inspiredbythedivine1
        August 17, 2015

        Indeed. Katy Faust is SO full of shit I can smell her from here. Christ, if you’re gonna be a friggin’ bigot and an a-hole, just BE one! This dancing around like she has some kind of legit, non-bigoted point is ridiculous.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        August 17, 2015

        22 minutres:

        “There’s so much in what you have just said that is so offensive its hard to know where to start!”

        Liked by 4 people

      • roughseasinthemed
        August 17, 2015

        Stop it John! I’ve actually got it open in a tab, but it’s a whole hour out of my life!!! Noooo. Well, not yet. I’ll live through your comments 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • roughseasinthemed
        August 17, 2015

        Just give me a gun so I can shoot that Brendan whatsit. What rock DID they drag him out from?

        Yes, I did listen to it all. Another favourite comment, apart from Sam’s, was a tweet about white males talking about the irrelevancy of quotas.

        And, I was fascinated with the beginning about unions and the RC. Unions? Thugs? Try Italian Mafia on the Sydney dockyard in the 80s. Been there, done that.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 17, 2015

        I know. I’m surprised no one really went for him- so I’ve had to write his name down. I’ll get to that shortly 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • roughseasinthemed
        August 17, 2015

        I’ve looked him up, as no doubt have you. Anti-gay. Nasty, nasty. Communist? Marxist? Anti-women quotas in government? Even the liberal part Kelly woman made him look fascist. I mean, seriously, he was incredible, in the literal sense of the word.

        He actually vied with Katy in terms of asinine comments. ATB Mk II.

        I found it ironic that the three politicians made the most sense. I never thought I would say that.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 17, 2015

        He did manage to seem fantastically repulsive. That’s got to be good for anyone he opposes. If he campaigned against cholera I bet a whole lot of people would stop washing their vegetables in the hope of getting it.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hariod Brawn
    August 17, 2015

    Cannot play cricket.


  5. karenjane369
    August 17, 2015

    Katy Faust’s smug face is annoying me…..I doubt I can cope with watching/listening to the whole thing…that Brendan creature is vile.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. metan
    August 17, 2015

    Yay for Sam Dastyari. “There are people in this country who have different views on same-sex marriage. They are entitled to have the different views … the American evangelical claptrap is the last thing we need in the debate.”

    Liked by 5 people

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      August 17, 2015

      Claptrap, claptrap, claptrap. Hurray! You know I never used twitter until this week. I was silent for three years. Suddenly I went from 25 to almost 3000 followers. What does that say about Katy Faust’s claptrap?


      • metan
        August 17, 2015

        Maybe that people can see right through it!

        That’s a good jump, I’m curious, do you know which countries the majority of those followers are from? Interesting to know if they are genuine followers doing research on the issue or stalkers doing a ‘know your enemy’! 😉


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 17, 2015

        Everywhere, but mostly Australia, I’m guessing. How do I check that? I’ve received over 1000 messages from Australia in the past couple of days. Over 90% against Faust 😀


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 17, 2015

        You know that views per hour thingy? It’s at 828. All Australia, by far. Your fellow citizens are checking the facts 😉


      • john zande
        August 17, 2015

        They did urge viewers to fact-check “everything and anything Katy Faust said.”

        Did you see on the screen?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 18, 2015

        Having inflicted her on the public, that’s the least they could do!


      • metan
        August 18, 2015

        I don’t know how to drive Twitter, apart from WP I don’t do social media at all! I’m allergic to being a social human… 😉
        Happy to hear your page view stats, good to see people are looking deeply into an issue instead of accepting what TV heads tell them. Even if they disagree with your views, it’s better to have an informed argument rather than regurgitating someone else’s claptrap…


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 18, 2015

        You probably remember I never used Facebook or twitter. My facebook page was a prank where I put up a picture of our house in Spain 🙂 The only reason I decided to actually try to learn how to use twitter this week was a friend told me it was the quickest way to get the message directly to influential people in Australia. It worked! 😀


      • metan
        August 18, 2015

        I remember that FB page now! A house more popular than some people. What is society coming to… 😉
        I’m so pleased that what she had to say wasn’t received without question by the masses. I suspect her contribution to this issue will be forgotten very quickly.


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 18, 2015

        Have you seen the article in the SMH? It’s hilarious.


      • john zande
        August 18, 2015

        Link please


      • john zande
        August 18, 2015

        “the tin-foil hat brigade”


        That, right there, is Katy’s new name 🙂


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 18, 2015

        Keep going, it gets better and better!

        Liked by 1 person

      • metan
        August 18, 2015

        I just wish they’d had our PM on the panel. Now that would have been awesome. To watch the internal struggle as he hears the religious arguments and desperately wants to shout “Amen!” but knowing it will mean the instant demise of his political career.

        Aaaah, I would’ve paid money to see that…. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • 3,000 Twitter Followers in the snap of a finger? Wow that is impressive. But check again, it looks like you have 7,000 twitter followers now.
        @AskTheBigot (Katy Faust) has a whopping 133 Followers on Twitter, LOL! Of course she blocked me but if you ever want too see tweets of people who have blocked you (or you don’t use Twitter) just use Tweet Tunnel. Here is the Tweet Tunnel for Katy

        I hope you do something really good on the Twitter Platform Pink, it is a very powerful platform. In Twitter on the upper right hand side of the window, just to the right of the search box, click on your Avatar to see the drop down menu of your Profile, look near the bottom, look for “Analytics” you will see how far you are reaching.

        Here is a good twitter tip (not that you asked, LOL!) go look at someone who tweets out things you are interested in. Okay I will use myself as an example. Go look up my profile in twitter
        @Str8Grandmother and look to see who I follow. You will find interesting people that I am following and then you pick & choose some of those people to follow as well. Twitter is very very interesting when you follow interesting people.Like you will see I follow the biggest LGBT Research Think tank
        @WilliamsPolicy. Also their research Director recently joined Twitter @DrGaryGates.

        You go through my profile of who I follow and you will find other people you will want to follow. Because of the Manif Pour Tous I found some interesting French people to follow, you will probably want to follow
        @PierrickMoritz he is in Paris and is an expert in art, he has recently been on a Chinese art binge. He tweets out cool stuff.
        Oh do follow
        @RyanTAnd the main guy in the US right now for anti gay work out of the Heritage Foundation. If you follow Ryan you will find out what the other side is up to. He of course blocked me as well, just recently. He will block anyone who tweets him that his work causes harm to gay ppl.
        Also another French Twitter Peep I follow is
        @carolinemecary she is THE leading Gay Rights Attorney in France. I just use Google Translate to translate her tweets.

        Look Pink if you have attracted 7,000 Followers on twitter know that that IS a BFD, make the most of it. I only have 1,200 Followers but then I don’t blog. That is a good number for people who are not blogging and not a person of influence in an organization or a movement. Wherever the Haters go in the world we have to go also and expose their lies. If we don’t do it who is going to do it?

        I exposed Katy’s lies in Australia about social science research, just look for my comments to her rebuttal here. Tok her down, study by study.

        Finally if you have never seen Panti Bliss’ Tedx Talk take a look. She really describes well how these religious bigots are scrambling around trying to find secular excuses to justify their religiously based bigotry.

        Apologies for the long comment, this is the first time I have ever commented on your blog so I guess I had a lot to say.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        August 22, 2015

        That’s superb!


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 22, 2015

        It’s not really my doing. I think some people, including you, mentioned me and then Faust mentioned me on Australian tv and that caused a gigantic amount of traffic to here and other social media. I’m still learning how to use twitter. For now I mostly just re-tweet. I should eventually get the hang of it! 🙂


    • acflory
      August 18, 2015

      I’d never heard of Sam Dastyari until I watched that video segment. Now I’m bowled over by the fact that a politician, /a politician/ is capable of not only seeing the truth but speaking it. In-bloody-credible. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

      • roughseasinthemed
        August 18, 2015

        I thought Dastyari was pretty sound. TBH I thought all the politicians were reasonable. Even the Liberal (!) Hell, compared with Faust and wotsisname it would be difficult to not appear reasonable. It takes some bizarre guests to make politicians sound moderate and in touch.


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 18, 2015

        It all worked out pretty well. The majority of the public was repulsed by Faust and the other snake-oil salesperson.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        August 18, 2015

        Last week on skype, my mum (a staunch Liberal) blew my head open explaining to me who this new Greens Party leader is (I’d never heard of him before) and to my horror, said she was considering even voting for him. The boy is clearly going to go far. Buy stock now 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • roughseasinthemed
        August 18, 2015

        I thought he spoke well, and like Dastyari, he looked pretty gobsmacked at the sheer drivel that kept falling out of Faust’s and wotsisname’s mouths.


      • john zande
        August 18, 2015

        Wait up, who was the Greens leader? That’s the guy I was talking about. The Labor fellow (from Iran) was good too. And, as you said, even the Liberal made perfect sense. If I remember correctly, this was how Australian politics used to be. A race to the middle.


      • roughseasinthemed
        August 18, 2015

        Green: Richard Di Nasty or something. Sitting middleish. Sam (from Iran at the far end with a permanently puzzled look at the rubbish spilling out of Katy’s mouth. Richard’s newish, previous leader stepped down as I recall.

        Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        August 18, 2015

        -grin- I know! I suspect the producers of Qanda put that panel together very carefully. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • roughseasinthemed
        August 18, 2015

        Didn’t I read on here (or somewhere) that Abbott had banned ministers from taking part because of the bias of the programme?


  7. docrocki
    August 18, 2015

    For Australian fact checkers out there, please look at this when considering Brendan’s comments about the baker controversy:


  8. acflory
    August 18, 2015

    I’m thrilled by your success, Pinky, and even more thrilled by my fellow aussies. I know we have issues, but just at the moment I’m proud of us in a way I can’t describe. Giving people a ‘fair go’ is almost our national motto, and I think we’ve been living up to it lately. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      August 18, 2015

      I’m really pleased. Especially because the religious crowd did a tremendous amount of damage in France a couple of years ago. A small but volatile part of the population, mainly composed of right wing extremists, used the opportunity to engage in violence. The anti-gay demonstrations became an umbrella for extremism. As one politician put it, “It was the first time he heard people in Paris chanting ‘Jews Out’ since the Nazi occupation. That’s when I realized the danger people like Faust actually represent.

      They aim at gays because we’re a historically easy target. One many religions were happy to join forces against. What they don’t consider is who’s next? Could the animus be turned against them? If history is anything to go by, the answer is always yes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        August 18, 2015

        I think a kind of mob-madness overcomes people when they feel their bigotry and hatreds are ‘validated’. Make no mistake, we have deep seated bigotry and hatreds here too but most of the time it stays underground. The systematic, repeated booing of Adam Goodes is a recent and very nasty example of that. Luckily the silent majority finally got off their backsides and did something wonderful about it. We’re getting there, despite shortsighted politicians like our unbeloved PM, Tony Abbott. Whatever he may think or want, Australia is well and truly ready for marriage equality.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The ENTIRE Manif Pour Tous movement was LAUNCHED within days of the publication of the Regnerus “study” I literally watched it happen. What happened was wothin 24 hours Catholics had pushed that Regnerus study out all over the world. I was the first person to ever communicate with Regnerus about his study as I got a copy of his study the day BEFORE it became publicly available for free on the internet and I e-mailed him and he e-mailed me back.

        Remember it was Catholic Witherspoon Institute who requested and paid Regnerus to do that study. I saw the threat of the study immediately, I knew without a doubt that the purpose of the study was to be used in our US Court cases. Within 2 days I believe it was Civitas in France put on their website the Regnerus study information. What is her name? Loudevine de la ?? The head of Manif Pour Tous was working for an umbrella organization of 60 different childrens orgs in France. In the snap of a finger Loudevine de La ?? contacted all those member of the org to the Regnerus Study and THAT, is what cause Manif Pour Tous to be formed. It was the Regnerys study as it was the first time (other than the Sarantakos Australia study and that study has problems) it was the first time that any research EVER purpoted to show that having gay parents is harmful to children.

        Since I was the first person who contacted Regnerus and I recognized the threat, I stayed on it and never let up. I would Google the word Regnerus in many different languages, French one of them. And I did this from the very day the “study” first became publicly available. It was Catholic orgs that pushed the Regnerus study out to Catholics. The Regnerus study was passed around Catholics orgs all over the WORLD within one day of being published and I know because since day ONE I tracked and followed that all over the world. It was the Regnerus study that launched Manif Pour Tous in France, they finally had a non religious reason to fight gay people this is how I came to acquire French Twitter followers and vice versa. The Regnerus study was on the front page of Manif Pour Tous website for months and months and months until they redesigned their website after they really took off. That is how important this one study was and how the Catholics fand the anti gay fires. You know the Russian upsurge against gays ONLY happened AFTER Manif Pour Tous.

        As a matter of fact the Russians have inserted part of the Regnerus study into one of their laws. THAT is how important this one study is, they quote it right inside teir law. Now they ended up not passing the law, it is the Russian law to remove children from their parents if their parents are gay. The law for the time being is tabled. And never forget it was the French along with American Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage who went to Russia to testify for the anti gay Russian laws that did get passed in Russia. AND they cited Regnerus in their testimony.

        I will not let anybody cite this research and other false research that shows that having gay parents is harmful to children, I will not permit them to say that science backs them up without a big challenge. This is the MOST important point we may not permit to be promoted. That has to be challenged every time it is brought up. And this is what brings me to comment on your blog, Katy Faust citing falsely about social science research.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 22, 2015

        I’ve got a very strong feeling she’s finished. She’s closed comments on her blog- now she’ll disappear into the obscurity whence she came.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        August 22, 2015

        Oh no she won’t. Her circle is small, tiny even, but “crazy” is a very strong bonding agent. She and her cohorts will double-down on the persecution narrative.


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 23, 2015

        I’m sure you’re right. The thing is before she managed to find a way to make herself seem relevant. All the fake comments and discussions gave people the impression a lot of people were listening to her. Now she’s going to have to find another way…

        Liked by 1 person

      • metan
        August 23, 2015

        I agree with Zande, she might have closed comments on her blog (a good sign that her brush with fame didn’t garner a flood of positive comments to moderate) but perhaps she’s just developing a new anonymous identity and starting again.

        Also, haven’t heard a single public peep out of her since qanda. Would have thought that if she saw it as a success she would have milked it for all its worth.


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        August 23, 2015

        The media commentary on her performance was overwhelmingly negative. She may try other approaches, but it seems clear that Australia isn’t interested in buying what she’s selling 🙂 And I’m not sure they pay enough in Uganda for her to be interested in spreading her message there 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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