My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

So your qualification to speak on this topic is… sexism?


Goodness gracious; the garbage that’s out there is truly, truly appalling. Just when you think you’ve already seen the worst of it, you hear of something called a Milo Yiannopoulos. A promoter of sexism, homophobia, his personal variety of religion and any and every dog-whistle style cliche which would elicit applause from a bunch of under-educated idiots who think creationism can be classified as science. It seems the only credential necessary for someone to get on the news or write in conservative publications these days is to promote hate and ignorance.

I leave you with pharyngula: ” There was a recent debate on British television between Milo Yiannopoulos and Emily Grossman on Sexism in Science. I have no idea why Yiannopoulos was even invited; he’s got no qualifications at all to be talking about this stuff. I guess he was the representative for sexism, while Grossman was there to represent science.”

full text and video here.

31 comments on “So your qualification to speak on this topic is… sexism?

  1. john zande
    December 21, 2015

    Did Faust have any “qualifications” other than being a bigoted loud-mouth to appear on Q&A?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 21, 2015

      Exactly. It seems loud-mouthery is all you need.

      Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        December 21, 2015

        I think you should pop over to Insanity’s place… Colourstorm doesn’t seem to understand why gays wanted to get married. Go right to the end of the thread

        The burden of proof…


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 21, 2015

        You’ve got some serious patience to engage with that crowd.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        December 21, 2015

        Well, I was just originally talking about the burden of proof… then things went a tad array 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 21, 2015

        If they don’t understand onus probandi, how in the world do you think they’ll understand the rest? 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        December 21, 2015

        I’m actually surprised Inanity even went down this road. I never took her as being outwardly stupid, but maybe I have to reassess that earlier judgment…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 21, 2015

        Outwardly stupid is a mild way of putting it 🙂 I think they’re all competing for future Darwin awards.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        December 21, 2015

        Hey, Inanity just made a post for you… By name!


  2. Cara
    December 21, 2015

    In all that horseshit, I heard it mentioned that Tim Hunt is 73 years of age. That makes him the same age as my father…I mention this because my father happens to be an adjunct lecturer of biology at the Brooklyn campus of Long Island University (it’s a college, my father teaches college-level biology to male and female students). My father also has three daughters and no sons. I took a high school biology course, because that’s a requirement here in the States. I did OK…it was one of those courses where we went in the lab and dissected things, and I was better than my classmates at that (I wasn’t squeamish about cutting into a dead thing, having grown up seeing my grandfather open clams, and watched my father butcher spare ribs rather than pay to get them already pre-separated) and when it was parent-teacher night, my high school biology teacher told my parents I did well (well as in better than the others in my class) at that and suggested I’d make a good surgeon. Up until then, I’d never THOUGHT of a career in medicine, and it’s worth mentioning that my high school biology teacher was male, and he was teaching at an all girls’ high school. After he said that, my father encouraged me, he would go through the biology unit with me at home before we did it at school so I’d have “an edge” over my classmates, and I ended up doing well in biology. And then the next year I took chemistry, which was math on steroids (and I had never been any good at math), and I passed the class, but my father was the only one who still had visions of me becoming a surgeon. But it was OK, I did the best I could, and had I become a surgeon (don’t ask me how I would’ve got through med school when I could barely pass high school chemistry) the fact that I ended up having problems with the shape of my corneas (the sort of problems that mean I’m blind as a bat without my contact lenses) would have cut my career as a surgeon short, at the very least, so in my mind, it’s better it didn’t happen. My two younger sisters are both somewhat better at math than I was, although they both ended up with careers in business rather than science.

    I think Mr. Yiannopoulos really just needs to shut his face. Among his chief complaints is the fact that (according to him) gay men are allowed to be bitchy, can get away “with murder”…it sounds to me like maybe he’s jealous, and I’d like to remind him that as a straight white guy, it’s HIM who has been getting away “with murder” since the dawn of time and if he wants to live somewhere where teh patriarchy is still strong, then, I hear things about Saudi Arabia…perhaps he’d like to check that out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 21, 2015

      He’s a self-loathing gay. And open about it. Actually I think he’s a self-loathing individual in general.


      • Cara
        December 21, 2015

        I would have guessed he was a closet case. But it’s not my job to out him…somewhere, some lover or ex of his will do that better than I ever could.


      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 21, 2015

        He’s openly gay. That’s part of how he gets airtime. Conservatives give him a platform because he says he’s a gay man who would like to be ‘cured’ of his hmosexuality if it were possible. They just eat it up.


      • Cara
        December 21, 2015

        Ohhhhh he’s one of those. Well I guess if he blows Rush Limbaugh that might cure him of wanting to be cured, and/or we’ll have Limbaugh’s fat old ass cruising the gay bars.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Milo is what is known as a homocon, a homosexual conservative.
        He writes on Brietbart, he wrote a perfectly awful column the last week or so saying that straight people should call gay men fags. That fag was a good term for them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 21, 2015

        It must make for the most unpleasant variety of self-loathing. Imagine having to *perform* hating one’s own identity on a regular basis?
        He has to repeat time and again that LGBT is bad to get paid, then go home knowing he’s LGBT.


  3. Clare Flourish
    December 21, 2015

    Bullshit is the new Rock and Roll.

    Here’s Milo: Praise, condemnation, attention-seeking, dick pics and death and rape threats can be sent to Milo directly via WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7508 000 008
    Number does not accept calls/SMS.
    He’s proud of it. He is an entertainer, at worst exploiting anger and fear, at best draining the poison out of particular ways of expression, challenging taboos and thereby making them far less threatening. Remember KISS, “Knights in Satan’s Service”? Ooo, we thought. Edgy, provocative. So people bought the vinyl.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 21, 2015

      So he’s the love child of Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Clare Flourish
        December 22, 2015

        The one I hate in this video is not Milo, who is merely doing what gets him money and attention- still the naughty boy at the back of the classroom; but the editor. The programme has the appurtenances of a news and comment programme, but it is not, merely an echo-chamber for shouty prejudices, to befuddle the populace. Not to inform, educate, entertain, but to create anger and promote ignorance.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. inspiredbythedivine1
    December 21, 2015

    Yet another intellectually and morally offensive ass hat running his mouth and spewing trash from it. I dream of a time such idjits go the way of the dodo bird and become extinct. It can’t happen soon enough.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 21, 2015

      Morally corrupt, I’d say. He makes money based on his dog and pony show- no matter the costs to anyone else.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. dpmonahan
    December 21, 2015

    I used to follow Yiannopoulos on twitter. His shtick is designed to get a rise out of people, that is just what he does. Sometimes he is funny, sometimes annoying.
    One of your commentors described him as straight, ummm, I doubt it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 21, 2015

      He’s openly gay… which is also part of his shtick. He does the whole *dissenting insider* dance, like Joe Lieberman. Goodness knows why anyone buys that garbage.
      All he really does is regurgitate propaganda.

      Liked by 1 person

      • dpmonahan
        December 21, 2015

        The phenomena of the dissenting insider is interesting.
        On the one hand, everyone is an individual with his own opinions and ought not be bullied into believing something because of political tribalism. On the other hand, the outsider tribe will exploit him because it makes them feel good about themselves.
        Its a hard game to play, being seen as a traitor or a clown. Best to just be yourself, I guess.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Curious and Curiouser
        December 21, 2015

        This seems to happen in some transgender quarters too. There’s a group (some called Gender Apostates but Miranda Yardley is a good UK example) who are transgender but argue that they are not women and should be excluded from women’s spaces. I tried to keep up and then I got tired.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 21, 2015

        I find gimmicks terribly annoying. Turkish immigrant gay boy moves to Europe and does a minstrel show for people who hate Turks, immigrants, gays and minstrels. Bleaches hair & fakes accent to pretend to be British upper class. Only fools Breitbart readers. Funny, but in a sad and desperate sort of way.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. acflory
    December 21, 2015

    Meh…only got into the first few minutes. Two very pretty people arguing about sexism and science and both seemed kind of low on fact. Over here the stats seem to be that girls do far better than boys at all subjects in school and then fall by the wayside after school.


  7. acflory
    December 21, 2015

    -giggles- Because? Oh you pot-stirrer, you!

    Because girls are taught from birth to value their looks and play ‘nice’ while boys are encouraged to ‘be boys’. My Dad raised me to be the son he never had and I’m…smart. There, no false modesty. But even I learned to play nice in order to fit in, at least a little. -opens ears to blow off some steam-

    There are physiological differences between males and females, including some strong emotional ones, but the capacity to /think/ isn’t one of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. David J
    January 4, 2016

    I think the description of “dissenting insider” for Yiannopoulos flatters him. He strikes me more as someone who simply couldn’t make it in the world on his own merits. Instead, by being so extreme, he can create a tiny niche with relatively little competition. In that, he has more in common with reality TV “celebrities” who have to keep themselves in the news to maintain their “fame”.

    Liked by 1 person

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