My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Trying to save her homophobic sinking ship: Katy Faust is at it again


Faust discussing penis size on Australian television

We had a short break from her chronic homophobia, but she’s at it again.

After her Australian fiasco, her blog went private, then she simply decided to remove the comments section. In itself that’s still a victory because the comments section (entirely orchestrated by Faust and her posse) was used as a free for all where all varieties of debunked anti-lgbt stereotypes were promoted. Let’s not forget her ideological-terror-cell included the ex-gay, but still self-publishing gay porn writer, Robert Oscar Lopez (when he’s not writing gay porn he’s on twitter as @baptist4freedom), and the woman who uses more names than a Nigerian 419 email scammer, Rivka/ Brittany/ Newmark/ Edelman/ Klein.

So what are her pressing issues of the day? Daesh in the middle east? The Paris bombings? South Africa’s HETEROsexual child rape epidemic? Of course not. Katy Faust’s fruits never fall too far from her bigoted tree. Six days ago she posted an anti-Planned Parenthood flyer which includes pearls like: We reject your attempts to dehumanize children for financial gain. That’s sort of amusing coming from someone who dedicates her life to dehumanizing all members of the lgbt community.

But back to the issue, her latest post is about lego’s. This, of course, is indeed one of the great struggles of our times. Faust goes on to say that gender differences are what define our interests: “Boys, and shockingly men, tend to find their worth in accomplishment. ‘Look at what I built’, be it a Lego creation, house, family, thesis paper, career or fortune, and that is a beautiful thing. Likewise, little girls don’t swaddle their stuffed animals for a nap because they can’t find any cars to play with (this mom of girls knows!); it’s because females are born nurturers and that’s not something to be discouraged. It’s something to be celebrated.” 

Deliciously quaint, isn’t it? So 1950’s! Culture, of course, has nothing to do with it? I suppose that’s why in some cultures cooking is a masculine activity (Samoa, for example) whereas in others it’s considered an activity that should be left to women. Interesting how gender doesn’t define such a major activity.

Anyway, let’s at least celebrate that Faust’s endeavours are now limited to a single individual spewing outdated rubbish, that frankly, most people in society brush off as the rantings of a fool. In the words of Neil McMahon of the Sydney Morning Herald, “Faust says things like “thank you so much for the question” – as if they’ve just given her a lightbulb moment – but you soon learn the lights are still off.”


21 comments on “Trying to save her homophobic sinking ship: Katy Faust is at it again

  1. roughseasinthemed
    December 7, 2015

    Violet sent me the link to that, which I wasn’t going to read but I did …
    I think brought up in a household like Faust’s, little girls wouldn’t dare play with Lego. I, on the other hand, built houses, huge ones, endlessly, and fine cantilever structures with my other building set. Then there was my science set which did things like make copper sulphate change colour. I still have my toy cars. How about: children play with the toys they are given and encouraged to play with?

    Like the SMH quote.

    She’s struggling if she’s rehashing old news and adding her own twee and passé brand of family values to it. Can you imagine me nurturing a child? Although I do have a Podenco between my legs on the sofa …

    Liked by 3 people

    • roughseasinthemed
      December 7, 2015

      Forgot to mention the caption 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 7, 2015

      The stereotypes are just ridiculous. The truth is if left unindoctrinated we try all sorts of things. I’ll happily knock down a wall with a sledgehammer, but I’ll also happily sew. My gender plays a role in neither. All of the limitations are cultural impositions.


  2. makagutu
    December 7, 2015

    I think it would do her well to keep her blog private

    Liked by 1 person

  3. inspiredbythedivine1
    December 7, 2015

    Yeah. Time for me to pick on her again. She’s earned it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ruth
    December 7, 2015

    Okay that’s just…stupid. When I was a kid I’d sooner make mud pies and play war than play with a doll. I don’t even remember having but maybe one or two dolls. I don’t remember swaddling anything either. No, my memory of having a doll consists of cutting their hair in ungodly styles as only a five-year-old can do. That and the time I begged my mom for a Barbie because all my friends had them. When mama drove up in the drive way and found said Barbie, naked, face down in the mud she told me not to bother asking for another. No worries. Clearly I wasn’t interested.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. john zande
    December 7, 2015

    I was disappointed to see she’d closed her comments after that PP smear. I wasn’t intending on being gentle with that sort vile nonsense.


    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 7, 2015

      She closed comments right after Australia. Couldn’t stand the heat in the kitchen, I suppose. Although aren’t women supposed to be used to that? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. tildeb
    December 7, 2015

    If we expect moderate Muslims to criticize the extremists, then where are all the moderate Christians condemning Faust’s bigotry and why don’t we call on them to step up to the moral plate?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 7, 2015

      ABSOLUTELY!!! I guess it’s just easier to discriminate Muslims because they all look the same, you know, like Mexicans but with less colourful clothes 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • Clare Flourish
      December 7, 2015

      Hello! Remember me?

      I don’t comment on Katy’s blog, though, life’s too short.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tildeb
        December 8, 2015

        You’re a good start but the outcry should be far and wide that Christianity itself is a source of cultural bigotry aimed at real people in real life causing real harm when acted upon here in the West. I don’t think you’re willing to go the distance on this issue but seek a comforting and ever-allusive middle ground that pretends there really is a correct gentler, less-bigoted, version of Christianity… and thus by trying to accommodate the incompatible with reasonable morality guarantees yet another generation of bigotry to find empowerment in scripture that is then privileged as if coming from God and not from the people who capitulate their moral autonomy to what their Dear Leader’s Little Read (sic) Book tells them is moral.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Merveilleux
        December 8, 2015

        When I read your comments I often wonder how much easier life would be if I just hired you to write for me 🙂 So you’re welcomed to send me anything you want and it’ll be published here in its original form- and if you like I can even pretend I wrote it! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Sonel
    December 7, 2015

    “females are born nurturers” – what the George!!! It’s like saying women belongs barefoot in the kitchen … or is it naked? Whatever! She can be glad she doesn’t know me. I’d throw her with my lego mansion!

    You’re so right E. The lights are off and nobody’s home. Clearly! And by the way, what does it have to do with anyone of them if gay parents want to raise a child? It’s not their business and never will it be. Why don’t they focus their attention on the real issue : parents who abuse and molest their children!


  8. Curious and Curiouser
    December 8, 2015

    Ugh! Who is this person? It seems she visited my country but I must have been distracted by – I don’t know – rising sea levels or some such triviality 😁


    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 8, 2015

      She’s a Christian scam artist, snake oil saleswoman. She makes a living out of promoting homophobia. Fortunately Australians weren’t buying what she was selling and her visit was a monumental flop 🙂


  9. It’s interesting to me that Katy’s mother presumably will not want to expand her family with more children considering her mother’s age, that Katy would deny her own mother the right to a civil marriage. Sexual minorities who do not want to have children are denied the right to a marriage according to Katy because then she could not lift up the rope and let them in yet deny sexual minority couples who desire to have children, the right to a civil marriage. It’s just extreme Christian Fundamentalism dressed up the rights of children.

    No wonder Katy and the other right wingers want to take us back to the 1950’s & even earlier, to the era before the sexual revolution, look what they got to do in that era. Look at the power they had, and have no longer.
    They reminisce for the good ‘ole days

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      December 8, 2015

      I’m still giddy I’m internet pseudo-married to Jeremy Hooper. And you’re our child. Get back to me tomorrow 😀


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