My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Autumnal in G Minor

31Oct2015 (1)

Time insists on passing. I looked at the calendar today and realized that this time two years ago, we were packing up Villa l’Africaine. Yesterday I received a lovely card from Esme & Rosie’s Cloud. I let them live on it, but as a general rule clouds are mine; because everything is mine. Rita Barberá died of a stroke. She was mayor of Valencia for 24 years and then a senator. In my opinion she represented the worst of Spanish politics. (I waited a whole week to say that as to not be inelegant.)

Last week we had a storm. Thunder, lightning and incredibly strong winds. A plant pot outside fell over and broke. Two of the dogs hate storms; Rudy, the youngest, could care less. Ever since I can remember consciousness I wonder if I’ll wake up before I fall asleep. Not waking up doesn’t scare me. In fact when I do wake up, I think, “Oh, I see, here we go again.”

Life is liv(e)able. I stopped smoking in March. I’ll take it up again as soon as I’m diagnosed with a disease of some importance or reach 50. Whichever comes first. I miss the superb sense of control. I still drink. Heavily enough for it to be fun. What’s life without fun?

At this precise moment I’m not entirely inspired by humanity. I wonder what it’s like to live in one of those Tulou of the Hakka people of Fujian. I wonder too many things. Too much of the time. It’s 1 am. Friday to Saturday. In a large house in the south of France. Let’s speak again sometime soon.

36 comments on “Autumnal in G Minor

  1. Helen Devries
    December 3, 2016

    Is it my imagination or have there been a number of unexpected deaths among Spanish politicians lately?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. metan
    December 3, 2016

    A delightfully cheerful post… 😉

    Not entirely inspired by humanity? Gee, I can’t understand why…

    Liked by 1 person

    • metan
      December 3, 2016

      And now I have to share Not perfect by the inimitable Tim Minchin.
      “My brain’s not perfect, but it’s mine.”

      Liked by 3 people

  3. acflory
    December 3, 2016

    It’s been over 70 years since the last episode of global insanity, so perhaps what you feel is the chill wind of history whistling up your trouser legs. I know I do.

    Living in the post truth era is not going to be fun, but those of us who can still recognize a fact when we see one have to keep logic alive until the wheel turns yet again.

    And on a completely trival note, if you’re chewing gum post-smoking, look for Zylitol gum. It’s harder to find and more expensive than ordinary gum, but it does NOT contain aspartame to rot your brain or sugar to rot your teeth. End rant.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. foolsmusings
    December 3, 2016

    I turned 50 earlier this years only to be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. It’s as if my warranty expired and my body went to shit. :p

    Liked by 4 people

    • acflory
      December 3, 2016

      -hugs- 😦


    • metan
      December 3, 2016

      Being a grown up sucks doesn’t it…

      Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        December 3, 2016

        -giggles- Not sure about being a grownup but the stiff neck and cranky knees certainly do!

        Liked by 3 people

      • metan
        December 3, 2016

        Number 1 son took up inline skating some months ago as a new sport for a program he is involved with at school, we were bored watching each week so we all joined in. The sons fall, laugh it off, go on. If the man of the house or I take a fall it is an entirely different and far more painful story… If only we bounced like we used to! 😀

        Liked by 2 people

      • acflory
        December 3, 2016

        Hah! These days we’re lucky if we don’t break something. I used to enjoy inline skating when the Offspring was quite a bit younger. Still have the skates somewhere under the house but I don’t think I’ll ever wear them again. Probably full of spiders…:/

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Esme upon the Cloud
    December 3, 2016

    It arrived, and you liked it. I’m very pleased. – *smiles broadly* – A small ray of sunshine hopefully to pierce the murky grey to black that humanity can be, hopefully.

    You sound sad. I love the last line. *hugs him whether he likes it or not* (sees Pepe Le Pew and The Cat in reverse).

    – esme clinking a glass with himupon the Cloud

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Esme upon the Cloud
    December 3, 2016

    – e.u.t.C

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Hariod Brawn
    December 3, 2016

    The best blog post I’ve read anywhere in a long time. You do these introspective things supremely well. I’m hearing Dido’s Lament, which is in G minor.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. clubschadenfreude
    December 3, 2016

    heh, I started vaping this year and I’m 50. I’d smoke, but just can’t stand the smell of stale cigarette smoke, though I don’t mind the fresh. So, I puff away and smell like toasted marshmallows and get that lovely nicotine 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. belasbrightideas
    December 4, 2016

    Not inspired by humanity, eh? Wow, speaking of Inelegance, this is the most Elegant thing one could say, these days! I shall have to remember it when I’m about to go on a rant about human stupidity. Aaaaaand we’ll leave it at that 😉 Here’s hoping you get some respite, however that translates for you. Aloha.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. wcs
    December 4, 2016

    “I still drink. Heavily enough for it to be fun.”
    I knew there was something I liked about you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Congratulations on the green house! 😀 We’ve got single paned glass as well, and no heating in ours either. The glass alone goes a very long way. Our tomato plants survived last winter, as did the night jasmine and the lemon trees.


  11. Curious Mother
    December 5, 2016

    This is melancholic for you sir, but pleasantly so, at least for the reader. I also put in a vote for vaping. My brother recently bought the whole set (apparently he had to order it from overseas) and we had some wonderful evenings chatting away and feeling like those caterpillars with the huge hookahs in Alice In Wonderland. With humanity being more than usually uninspiring, I keep wondering if it’s time to descend into complete self-absorption and hedonism.
    Anyway, I hope crisp autumn mornings, good red wine evenings and a lift in spirits await you.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. kjennings952
    December 5, 2016

    Please start smoking again. It will make your drinking look like a “character” trait. Please. You’ll fit in better with humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. makagutu
    December 5, 2016

    I’m not entirely inspired by humanity.
    What’s up good fellow?

    Liked by 2 people

  14. appletonavenue
    December 5, 2016

    Entirely charming post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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