My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

History – Attention Must Be Paid | Envisioning The American Dream

“In my constant field of vision, are a series of framed vintage Vanity Fair magazine covers from 1933 that powerfully illustrate that most tumultuous year, a year that would have far reaching global consequences. and offer a somber forewarning to our own troubled times. Many are illustrated by Italian artist Paolo Garretto arguably one of the great European illustrators of his time, his graphic covers expose the unsettling climate of the 1930’s including Hitler’s rise to power.”

Full text: History – Attention Must Be Paid | Envisioning The American Dream

I included the picture of one cover, but you’ll have to visit her blog to see the others. I promise it’s worth the click. I don’t know much about Mz. Edelstein except I find her play on the aesthetics of the 20th century absolutely enthralling.

Also worth a look at this week is an article by George Packer in the New Yorker: HILLARY CLINTON AND THE POPULIST REVOLT.

Have a nice Monday!

18 comments on “History – Attention Must Be Paid | Envisioning The American Dream

  1. silenceofmind
    November 14, 2016

    Mr. Merveilleux,

    I must caution you that the New Yorker is part of the Hillary campaign.

    The article nearly made me sick with its sappy, butt kissing of Hillary.

    Authentic journalism speaks truth to power, they don’t grovel before petty politicians.


    • Why don’t you re-read it and tell me if you feel the same way the 2nd time around? Usually when I re-read something I pick up on things I didn’t the first time.
      Or, let’s play a more interesting game, tell me if there’s anything there that you can relate to?

      Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        November 15, 2016

        Mr. Merveilleux,

        The author’s bias is obvious and visible in writing style.

        However, I did read the article three times.

        Also, George Packer, the author doesn’t inform the reader that the Democrat Party has intentionally jettisoned the white working middle class.

        That happened years ago as a matter of Democrat Party policy.

        THE Donald’s resounding success is because he represents what I have been calling the “untermensch.”

        That’s the working class of all creeds and colors.

        The Democrat Party is the party of Wall Street, Banking, Big Pharma and foreign interests like China and Mexico.

        ObamaCare and global warming deals have also devastated the working class in the US.


      • metan
        November 15, 2016

        I think it’s just that SoM sees anything other than vitriol as praise.

        Early in the US electoral system the candidate who won was the President, the runner up got to be the Vice President. Imagine if that had been the outcome of this election. Now that would have been awesome. 😀

        Liked by 3 people

      • silenceofmind
        November 15, 2016


        The vice president is the weakest office in the land.

        Bush the Younger changed that tradition with Dick Cheney who was probably one of the most influential VP’s in American history.

        It appears that President Trump will continue in that direction with Mike Pence.


      • metan
        November 15, 2016

        I think that was the point of choosing Pence wasn’t it? An actual republican, and politician, with a public history of conservative beliefs; a kind of foil to trump’s history as a democrat (my reading tells me he’s been both republican and democrat in the past) and his lack of experience within the political machine.

        The hardline republican voters might have been more likely to balk at supporting trump if his running mate wasn’t someone they saw as an able successor if it all fell in a heap. I wonder if trump will be able to share the power with him though, or will he be nothing more than a frustrated decoration?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t know which of them I find most repulsive.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. belasbrightideas
    November 15, 2016

    History repeats itself largely because of selective vision, hearing, perceiving. Denial may look like hiding from this simple truth, but it can be wickedly pernicious. Aloha, MM. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. silenceofmind
    November 15, 2016


    Noam Chomsky has never been right about anything.

    Global warming was something President Obama promised to fix.

    The American People, including the white working class gave him 8 years to get it done.

    He didn’t.

    He didn’t because he couldn’t.

    He couldn’t because global warming doesn’t exist.

    It’s just another Democrat Party scare tactic.

    Fear is all the Democrat Party has to offer.

    The Democrat Party had eight years to do anything they pleased and ended in total failure.

    Let’s give President Trump a chance.


    • agrudzinsky
      November 17, 2016

      SOM, whether there is global warming or not is not a political question. It’s a matter of measuring things that do not depend on politics like air and water temperatures, sea levels, concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere, water acidity, and areas of glaciers, polar ice, and snow levels. You can deny it, but you have to do it with data, not with waving hands and rolling your eyes. Perhaps, checking facts is not your (or Trump’s) favorite thing to do. But, unfortunately, making right decisions requires some work.

      Liked by 2 people

    • agrudzinsky
      November 17, 2016

      Blaming Obama for not fixing the global warming is silly. He can’t ban burning coal and fossil fuels all over the world especially when there is a vehement opposition to his policies in his own country. Global warming is a result of global trends that developed in the past couple hundred years. Do you expect one president to reverse them in 8 years?

      Liked by 1 person

    • metan
      November 22, 2016

      Interested to see this today.

      “On Tuesday, Mr Trump told the Times he thinks there is “some connectivity” between human activity and climate change, reporter Mike Grynbaum tweeted.”,-climate-change/8048872

      Seems that trump really does think global warming exists.

      Oh, and in the same article it mentions that he isn’t going to pursue charges on Clinton either.

      Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        November 22, 2016


        Not pursuing legal charges against Hillary is a great idea.

        The last thing President Trump needs is to have his presidency dominated by the Clinton crime family news day in and day out.

        The Clintons received 100’s of millions of dollars from donors (both foreign and domestic) who were banking on a Hillary presidency.

        The Clintons are in deep trouble with their donors and maybe President Trump is just going let nature take its course.

        I hear tell that President Trump is going to gut Obama regulations and executive orders that have cost countless jobs over the last eight years.


      • metan
        November 23, 2016

        Hmmm. Interesting. Especially his change of heart regarding the clintons when he had his supporters convinced he was going to put her in jail, having worked them into such a frenzy over it they were chanting “lock her up” at his rallies. I wonder why now it’s not worth pursuing? I thought it was policy. Or was it because he was just saying whatever he knew would win votes?
        It seems there are a number of his supporters who aren’t as OK with that backflip as you are.

        I understand that you now think it would be a better world if the clintons faded into the background, so I would be interested to hear what you think of the suspicions that those charges will be pursued by someone other than trump who, after all, had no chance of actually bringing them himself. Not really intending to keep them out of the public eye then.

        Not really news to hear trump is going to gut anything with Obamas stamp on it though, isn’t that what he campaigned on the whole time?

        No comment on the sudden acknowledgment of climate change from him?

        Liked by 1 person

      • acflory
        November 23, 2016

        @ Metan Oh..oh can I say it, please please? Just once? Okay, I’m going to do it.

        @ SoM “We told you so!”

        Thanks, I feel so much better now that the whitewash is coming off those spots.

        Liked by 1 person

      • metan
        November 24, 2016

        Also interesting to hear of trump’s suggestion that his son in law, kushner, would be helpful in resolving problems in the Middle East. The increasing lean towards nepotism and cronyism in trump’s choices for his team can’t be easily dismissed. Of course each president elect has shared the available jobs between his most loyal supporters, but that has been tempered by the previous experience of these people being relevant to the positions offered.

        Of course the ruling parties of lots of other countries have used family members or personal friends in many branches of government and have been quite successful (Rajapaksa, Mugabe, Putin). That success hasn’t been shared by the population though, it has mostly benefitted what you would call ‘the swamp’ with the distribution of power and money remaining within that small group.

        I really would like trump to succeed, after all, if he doesn’t your country, and millions of its citizens, will still be suffering long after he’s gone back to his old privileged life. Of course I don’t like him, he seems like an incredibly unpleasant person, but that doesn’t mean he is incapable of improving your country. Unfortunately I really do believe he was just saying anything to win and will let down those loyal supporters who voted for him with the expectation that what he said he would do he would do.

        Years ago one of our politicians (Howard) did his best to justify these elastic promises by using the terms Core Promises and Non-Core Promises. We all knew what he meant. Core promises are things like cutting tax rates for the rich. Things I’m not going to go back on. Non-Core promises are the ones that sound good but don’t mean anything and can be discarded when necessary. Generally those promises were made to the little people. In the end he lost to a politician with even more command of weasel words (Rudd) who made pretty much exactly the same promises but added a little icing. Happiness for all! says one, Happiness for all and a free puppy! said the next. Many believed him but really, neither party were going to give everyone what they wanted, or the puppies. Hopefully trump’s reign ends with the jobs and money he has promised you and doesn’t prove to be a box of Non-Core puppies.


  4. agrudzinsky
    November 17, 2016

    Fear is all the Democrat Party has to offer.

    And what does Trump offer with his xenophobia towards Mexicans, Muslims, the liberals, etc.? He succeeded exactly because of his scare tactics (I’d even call it his strategy). His main message during the whole campaign was that “this country is on a slippery slope to a disaster” and that he is the only person who can “save” America because “the establishment” has failed the people.

    Boy, is that new? When is the next end of the world, by the way? Now that the elections are over, I suppose, we’ll start getting those predictions again.

    Liked by 1 person

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