My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

Mike Pence Opposes Word ‘Vice’ On Religious Grounds, Doesn’t Want To Be Called Vice Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post

“… Pence’s comment about Duke came in response to a question after Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for president, referred to Trump supporters, including Duke, as a “ basket of deplorables.”

Pence was asked during his press conference if he condemned the word ‘vice’ on Christian principles, why then didn’t he condemn the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization, that openly participates in immoral and wicked behavior?

‘I would,’ he answered. ‘But if we start criticizing deplorables, we run the risk of losing half our voters.’ Pence, who regularly touts his Christian faith, often describes himself as “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.”

Source: Mike Pence Opposes Word ‘Vice’ On Religious Grounds, Doesn’t Want To Be Called Vice Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post

36 comments on “Mike Pence Opposes Word ‘Vice’ On Religious Grounds, Doesn’t Want To Be Called Vice Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post

  1. Carl D'Agostino
    September 17, 2016

    Lose the KKK’s votes ? Who would want them ?


  2. Cara
    September 17, 2016

    Well we wouldn’t want Mike Pence to alienate the KKK, they’re a fine, upstanding organization…Mike Pence also said women are “getting raped to get abortions”, so yeah, he should be the KKK’s poster child (because sane, rational people will not endorse him, or his running mate)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. john zande
    September 17, 2016

    He’s a young earth creationist and a climate change denier, and that’s all anyone needs to know about him.

    Liked by 3 people

    • silenceofmind
      September 18, 2016


      Please cite your sources concerning Pence and young earth creationism.

      And since when was denying the global warming hoax a bad thing?

      And isn’t change what climate does naturally?


      • john zande
        September 18, 2016

        I replied, SOM, but we have to wait for Pink to free the comment. Too many links.


      • silenceofmind
        September 18, 2016

        Thank, John,

        You are a gentleman and a scholar…

        …well, a scholar anyway.

        Liked by 1 person

      • clubschadenfreude
        September 18, 2016

        poor SOM, even republicans and fellow Christians say he’s a liar when it comes to climate change:

        Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        September 18, 2016


        If you had a brain in that sweet little head of yours you would ask yourself why is a so-called science magazine publishing a political opinion editorial.

        Yes, political opinion is what serves as “the news” in left wing rags like Scientific American.


      • silenceofmind
        September 19, 2016


        You’ve obviously never even bothered to watch the video of Pence that you linked to.

        Pence never advocated young earth creationism.

        And his critique of the Theory of Evolution was spot on…

        …from a purely scientific and reasonable point of view.

        You’ve obviously been caught in another of your famous lies.

        Why do atheists have to lie about everything?


      • john zande
        September 19, 2016

        You are kidding, right? You do know Intelligent Design is code for Creationism…. something he wants taught in schools.

        MATTHEWS: I think you believe in evolution but you‘re afraid to say so because your conservative constituency might find that offensive.

        PENCE: No, I’ve said to you, Chris, I believe with all my heart that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that is in them.

        MATTHEWS: Right.

        PENCE: How he did that, I‘ll ask him about some day.

        But hey, if Pence isn’t a Young Earth Creationist, then perhaps he could come out and actually say he believes Evolutionary Theory to be fact.

        Liked by 1 person

      • john zande
        September 19, 2016


        “I believe that God created the known universe, the earth and everything in it, including man,” Pence said. “And I also believe that someday scientists will come to see that only the theory of intelligent design provides even a remotely rational explanation for the known universe.”


      • silenceofmind
        September 19, 2016

        There is nothing in Pence’s remark that denies science.

        I am a trained scientist and engineer and I must say that Pence is absolutely correct.


      • silenceofmind
        September 19, 2016


        You are lying again.

        Creationism isn’t a code for anything.

        Just as the Theory of Evolution is not code for atheism.

        The Theory of Evolution has holes in it.

        And Pence pointed them out rationally and intelligently.

        His request was that the holes in the Theory of Evolution be taught in public schools along with the Theory of Creation, which is perfectly reasonable.

        Young earth creationism is clearly bogus and a rejection of science just as atheism is a rejection of science.

        Your attempt to link Pence to your own rejection of science is contemptible to say the least.


  4. agrudzinsky
    September 18, 2016

    I can’t wait for November 8. I’m a bit tired of this campaign. I don’t want to say or hear how bad Trump is. I don’t want to see Trump’s face anymore or read about him on the front pages. I just want him to go into oblivion and never come back.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Do you think he’s going away after the election? I think he might be too fond of the limelight.


      • agrudzinsky
        September 18, 2016

        Given his personality, he always did and always will try to get into the spotlight. I don’t mind him becoming a global warming activist like Al Gore (he might, just to make the news), start another reality show, failed or successful (I don’t care) business empire, or even become a Grand Wizard of the KKK. It will be possible to ignore him as I always have. I have never watched “The Apprentice” or paid any attention to this clown. But this reality show is a bit harder to ignore. The possibility of him becoming a president has too many global implications. It’s hard to believe that this is for real.


    • silenceofmind
      September 18, 2016


      Sorry, but it’s going to be Trump by a landslide.

      Hillary is a proven zombie and the American people aren’t ready for that yet.


      • clubschadenfreude
        September 18, 2016

        and if your prediction doesn’t come true, what then SOM? What excuse will you give?


      • ~whispering~ darling, you do realize you’re not arguing with someone who’s entirely in control of their faculties, right?

        Liked by 1 person

      • clubschadenfreude
        September 18, 2016

        ~whispering back~ of course. I will admit to a weakness in wanting to see SOM show in even more detail just how well he fits into the basket of deplorables.

        Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        September 18, 2016


        What if it does?

        Will you kiss my ass with your soft kitten lips?


      • agrudzinsky
        September 19, 2016

        I hope not, but I hate making predictions of that kind. All who I know loathe Trump and I have not seen favorable coverage of him in mainstream media. But, apparently, there is a parallel universe out there with a lot of people living in it.

        I feel that in this election most people on both sides will vote against and not for a candidate. It’s a shame we have to choose between those two.

        Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        September 19, 2016

        Mr. Merveilleux,

        Why do you demean me at the expense of our handicapped brethren?

        Maybe it’s because you’re a ruthless, ruling class bigot.


  5. Linn
    September 18, 2016

    Quotes from the article:
    “The Bible says that the Lord helps those who help themselves,” Pence responded.

    “But governor,” the reporter responded, “that phrase is not in the Bible.”

    “Never mind,” Pence responded, “it’s in the Republican Bible.

    Are these actual quotes? I mean, I know that the republicans are crazy, but I would think at least some christian republicans would object to him having his own “bible”.
    And aren’t any christians somewhat peeved that the guy clearly hasn’t read the bible? One would think that if you’re a christian voting for another christian, you would want him to actually know his stuff.

    His comment about losing half their voters is somewhat amusing, but at least honest. He is actually admitting that he is a despicable human being, and that half of all republicans are despicable as well.
    It makes me wonder what country USA actually is, if politicians can get away with admitting that their own voters are KKK supporters. That’s insane. =-O

    Liked by 2 people

    • silenceofmind
      September 18, 2016

      One of the Bible’s prominent messages is that people need to help themselves.

      The leftist, Democrat Party operative, posing as a reporter obviously doesn’t know his Bible.

      Thank God, Pence does.


      • clubschadenfreude
        September 18, 2016

        Where does it say this “One of the Bible’s prominent messages is that people need to help themselves.”, SOM? Please do show us.

        now, since I have read the bible. I know it doesn’t say that at all. It says that one should depend on God for everything e.g. when JC talks about the lilies of the field (matthew 6)

        And here too: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding

        Jeremiah 17:5-9
        Psalm 62:5-12
        John 6:63
        1 Peter 5:7
        Phillipians 4:19
        2 Corinthians 1:9

        Now, SOM, why would you, a Christian, lie about what your bible says?


      • silenceofmind
        September 18, 2016


        I can’t read the Bible for you.

        You’ll have to do that yourself.


      • agrudzinsky
        September 19, 2016

        In other words, ” I can’t give you a reference (because there is none), but I will make it look like you don’t know the bible and not me. “

        Liked by 1 person

      • silenceofmind
        September 19, 2016


        Please don’t blame me for your intellectual laziness and your biblical illiteracy.

        I don’t cite references to you folks because you aren’t interested in references.

        However, you are interested in ending the conversation and asking for references is the standard tactic of the ignoramus who poses as a person of wit.

        Get off your lazy ass and go read the Bible.

        The facts I state for you are so obvious that any lame brain can comprehend them independent of outside help.

        God didn’t magically transport the Hebrews to the Promised Land.

        Jesus stated multiple times what people need to do to be disciples.

        And Saint James is credited with the famous quote: “Faith without works is dead.”

        The provincial ignoramus demands that foreign cultures express themselves just so.

        Please get a brain of your own and get it trained to think and then get it educated.

        That way you won’t be such a waste of time.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Satire 🙂


  6. silenceofmind
    September 18, 2016

    The Huffington Post, like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, ESPN, Washington Post, New York Times and the LA Times…

    …are all part of the Democrat Party propaganda machine.

    People who believe their rubbish are referred to as “low information voters.”


  7. john zande
    September 18, 2016

    Pink, I have a comment in Moderation… three links, sorry.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. David
    September 19, 2016

    I didn’t think that this election could be any more of a circus that it already is, yet still the candidates continue to surprise me.

    Liked by 1 person

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