My Mazamet

Life at № 42 by E.M. Coutinho

So it’s Monday again. Ricky Gervais, Liquid Surveillance, Social Media & More



I’ve been reading Zygmunt Bauman’s thoughts on social media. Exceptionally interesting analysis. He says users:  “…are simultaneously promoters of commodities and the commodities they promote. They are, at the same time, the merchandise and their marketing agents, the goods and their traveling salespersons.”

…We have to recast ourselves as commodities, that is, as products capable of drawing attention, and attracting demand and customers. That ‘s Facebook, that’s Twitter, and to a much lesser degree WordPress; at least regarding the blogs I read- but that’s because I’m interested in the exchange of ideas. There’s commoditization on WordPress as well, Askthebigot was a good example.

Bauman argues that society used to value and defend privacy. My sidenote to that is that privacy equalled (still does) safety.

In essence he says living in society required us to develop complex social skills. Much more complex than is required in the internet world where one can simply delete or block someone who they dislike or who even just says something that challenges their worldview. In that sense social media stunts personal development.

I don’t think one can really disagree with his position. In fact I think I’d take it even further. In making the self a commodity, people are often creating a parallel universe which is entirely disconnected from reality. Can you imagine someone putting on make-up that’s so extreme, they end up looking like an entirely different person?


I saw this picture flipping through a magazine in a waiting room the other day and was absolutely shocked. I honestly wouldn’t know the first girl and the made-up girl were the same person if I crossed them in the street. The made-up girl’s (a Kardashian) media presence is built around a face that she doesn’t have. What effect does that have on the individual’s mind? They either have to believe their own illusion and live in character all the time, or they have to feel inadequate for not living up to the illusion they’ve imposed on themselves.

In other news Ricky Gervais was hilarious at the Golden Globes:

And finally, today’s the start of the corruption trial in the Noos case where Princess Cristina of Spain is one of the accused (along with her husband). (Allegedly) Their company was put in charge of managing events for the government and they charged for a number of fictitious services to the tune of almost seven million euros. A sad and embarrassing affair.

16 comments on “So it’s Monday again. Ricky Gervais, Liquid Surveillance, Social Media & More

  1. makagutu
    January 11, 2016

    It would take days to convince me that woman is the same person before and after photoshop make-up.

    Ricky Gervais was awesome in that video

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Clare Flourish
    January 11, 2016

    I would be marketing if I wasn’t so keen on self-analysis. And disguise is part of the trans experience, especially when first going out, but even now. My face and body have male characteristics.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      January 11, 2016

      What do you think you’d get from the marketing?


      • Clare Flourish
        January 11, 2016

        Interesting question. I am unsure.


      • Clare Flourish
        January 12, 2016

        Like in the song

        I’m special, so special
        I’m gonna have some of your
        Attention- Give it to me!


  3. I had to laugh at your make up girl comment. One time when I was in my twenties I asked an older woman I worked with a question, I asked her what advice she would give to young women starting out in their careers, she gave me an awesome although unexpected reply, “Don’t wear lipstick to the office otherwise you end up having to wear it every day.” It was great practical advice which I took.

    I enjoyed putting on my makeup every day and knowing how good I looked afterwards, when I was younger but I gotta say being older and no longer in a work setting it sure is great NOT to! My husband loves me just the same with or without makeup and there is no one in this world any more that I am trying to impress. About the only time I wear make up is when we go out with our son as I know kids always want their moms to look nice, so for my son I’ll doll it up a bit. What is nice about being married for a v-e-r-y long time is the comfort of growing older together. One day you’ll see, you are still quite young, the best thing you have going is that you have found a good person to love and vice versa, and that you are in this thing called life, that you are in it together, forever.

    Social media has not stunted my development because being older I was kind of shall we say, fully formed before social media existed. Kind of on the same tract, did you know that the Apple watch is actually a fully functioning telephone as well? You can make and receive calls on it. I don’t even text so I doubt if I will be making phone calls with my watch, LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. acflory
    January 12, 2016

    Hmm…methinks Kardashian girl + cosmetic surgery + makeup artist = celebrity face. But you’re right, even with the surgery, it must be hell to look in the mirror and see the ‘before’ face. Aside from that, I’m with Str8grandmother – it’s great not having to wear the warpaint any more. I never wore much – can’t stand foundation – but it’s liberating not to bother with mascara or lipstick. Ageing has its benefits. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      January 12, 2016

      The article that mentioned the Kardashian was about something called facial contouring. You must google it. It’s absurd. It’s a way of doing make-up that’s very similar to what’s done for the stage.
      We’re not talking about a little rouge or lipstick for some colour, we’re talking about disguise, completely altering one’s natural features. She’s probably had surgery as well, but if you click on the photo you can see her applying this contouring stuff.


    • roughseasinthemed
      January 12, 2016

      I’m with you on foundation. I worse clear gloss lipstick for a few years but that went too, leaving just eyeshadow and mascara. Last time I attempted anything it looked awful. Older faces look worse with yuk on them.


      • roughseasinthemed
        January 12, 2016

        Wore. Worse? 😀


      • acflory
        January 12, 2016

        ‘Older faces look worse with yuk on them.’ Could not agree more. If I’m pushed I’ll wear a tiny bit of Kohl in place of mascara, but that’s it. Apart from anything else, life is too short to waste so much of it on makeup.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hadn’t thought of it quite that way before but I think you are right.
        The more paint on older women the worse they/we look.
        If I am dolling up it is now strictly mascara and a light tan eye shadow, and I a, really starting to hate the mascara, I don’t think it does anything for me any more.

        Maybe olive skinned older women still look good with a fair amount of make up but as a light skinned woman, no, those days are now past.


  5. acflory
    January 12, 2016

    Sorry, clicking on the photo just took me to a larger photo, but I did google it and…YUCK! There’s so much product on that face you just about need a shovel to remove it. You may need that stuff on stage, or in a movie, but in real life? when everyone can see you close up, without the magic of the camera? 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Merveilleux
      January 12, 2016

      That’s what I found most disturbing. An actor or a ballerina is doing their job, they have to adapt their faces to a particular role. As soon as the performance is done, they get to be themselves again.
      I think it’s psychologically unhealthy to live as a character.


      • acflory
        January 12, 2016

        Amen. I can’t imagine spending so much time and effort being someone I’m not. How would you feel if you tripped up? did something out of character? developed a HUGE pimple in the middle of your nose?

        Liked by 1 person

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